Jenny could you come back?

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I called Cary as soon as I got back.Time difference be gone."Hey Cary,Sorry but I really need to talk"

"Dont worry,I had a feeling you'd call."

I sighed and updated him."Well Jen,the way i see it,I dont think he's one of those asshole types.Dont ask why,I just dont.Im not asking you to give him yet another chance but at least you all could take a shot at friendship?You dont have to lose out on good friends just cuz of some dumbass.

I laughed"You're right and when did you become a smartass?"

"Oh girl i always was one smart cookie.And Jen?"


"Try not to be the ice queen you become while trying to protect yourself?"

I paused.Its true i guess.And there was a chance I would have done that if not for Cary's warning.

"Yeah of course.Gosh enough about me!Hows Damian?"i said just to get him to stop talking about him and of course it worked.

"Oh Damian's juust fine hun.More than fine."I could practically see him grinning.Damian was one topic that will always distract him.

"Ok glad you're happy.Sigh.Now time to fix everything here."

"Yeahh!Go Jen!"

"Alright.Bye Care.Love you"

"Love ya too doll".

Hanging up,I got ready for bed.Sigh.Tomorrow...damage control.

Gerard's POV

Well.Officially dating Lyndsey. Pretty sure Im supposed to feel a lot more joy than I am...


"Mike!!Cover me!!"

"Ugh go get the gun asshole!!"

"Gerard!We're trying to save you dumbass!"

As you can see,I decided to play some video games with Mikey and Frank today instead of my usual afternoon high.

Id say thats progress.But i couldnt get the image of icy blue eyes out of my head.No.I gotta give her a proper apology but thats it.You're with Lynds now.Today finally the warped tour starts officially.Sum 41 will be opening it.
Thats it.I know what to do!I noticed Jen was wearing their T-shirt....Hmm.

Well im pretty sure all the other bands will be going to watch.It'll be like a meet and greet.Its gonna be awesome.

"Ugh Gerard,you're getting us all killed.Im gonna go over to Jens' now"

"Wait what?"

"yeah.I told you im not gonna lose out on a good friend because of you Gee.So im gonna see if she wants to come with us to watch Sum 41.You better behave mister."

Perfect.I put up my hands grinning."Dont worry.Best behaviour it is.oh and Lindsey's gonna be with us too."

"Doesn't she have to go with MSI?"Frank grumbled.Mikey scowled.Talk about a good opinion.

"Yeah but she'll go there later.If we're gonna be friends she should meet my girl too right Mikey?"I smiled innocently.He narrowed his eyes."Yeaaahhhh..."

"Alright,go on now.Tell Jenny i said Hi."

Ha!Like im gonna do that."

With that he left.

"Alright Gee-Gee im gonna kick your ass Mortal Kombat style!
Bring it on.

Rags To Riches (Gerard Way/MCR)Where stories live. Discover now