Best Day/Night(part 2)

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It doesnt matter.No big deal.After some time,we'll go to bed and soon then the night will be done.

Why do I feel like changing that?

Uh hum.Anyway.

I was pretty much done.I looked over at Gerard.He was sketching what looked like a man and a woman almost kissing.Though the background looked like it was covered with...blood?

I shifted near to him.

"Whats that?It looks rad "

"Oh this?..just trying to get the cover for sweet....i mean..the new album right."

I felt a stir of excitement.A new MCR album?Hell yeah!!

I pouted,"Geeeee!Why dont you tell me the name!!"

He smirked,"Wheres the suprise in that?"

I glared at him.But then I smirked.

He shook his head amused."Do you have a switch for your moods?

Ignoring that I said,"What are we doing for dinner?"


"Im NOT cooking.Its your turn."I smirked."Suprise me."

He looked panicked."Hummmmm...i cant cook.Well i can...but.."

"Oh come on,its just me!!"

He finally aquisced."Ok...well,I'll cook...but you better stay out of the kitchen!"He pointed a warning finger at me.

I held up my hands defensively.

He got up,entering the kitchen.

I smiled to myself.Wonder what'll be in tonights menu.

I got out my guitar.Hmm,playing this song isnt a good idea,i thought grimly.But I need to practice the bridge....the most dangerous part of the song.As I said before,I bore my heart and soul into this album...and the person holding it is about a feet away.But it doesnt matter.

I strummed and hummed,adjusting the tunes and finally got it right.

".........If you and I are,a story,that never gets told,then what you are is,a day dream,I'll never get to least you'll know...
You're beautiful,every little piece love.."

I finished the part with a strum and a sigh.I looked up to find him standing there with two bowls,his face tight.I forced a smile in my face.

"Soo...watcha got there chef?"

He shook his head,as if to clear his head and smiled.

"yum"Taking the bowl from him,I watched him sit down.He had made noodles with spaghetti balls.ohhhhh heaven...I tasted it and gave him a thumbs up.It was delicious.Is there anything he cant do?

As we ate,a comfortable silence took over.Thats the thing with us.We dont need to constantly chat to feel content with each other.

But this time,I had a question that would break the silence.

"Gerard?Are you ok?"I hoped he knew what I was asking about.

There was a pause but then he nodded.He looked at me with a soft gaze.

"Yeah...And I have you to thank for that.This has been one of the best days of my life.Thank you."

I gave him a small smile with a kiss on his cheek.

As we finished,I gave a little yawn.

He looked over to the watch.It was 11:30.We'd spent the whole day alone.And he was right.It had left me feeling wonderful after a very long time.

Rags To Riches (Gerard Way/MCR)Where stories live. Discover now