All Killer,No [Filler]

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As he neared,he slowed to a walk and then stopped in front of me.I could only stare at him and fight to keep the tears at bay because of the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for.He looked me warily,afraid of my reaction.

I cant hold it in any longer.I jumped into his arms and he swung me around as the dam broke within me.He looked at me worriedly,"Jen??Im really sorry..I-"

I cut him off "Happy tears.Really fucking happy tears."

He looked really relieved and hugged my harder."Forgive me?"

I laughed."You dont even have to ask.This alone will compensate for all the stupid things you've done and what i can gaurantee you WIlL do." I touched his face,still grinning.

"Yeah,I know.But you have to promise to keep a cool head with me when I do fuck up.I'm really sorry Jen."

I kissed his cheek."Its okay.Now lets go back to the guys alright.They're sure gonna have a lot of questions.

"Hehe,you bet they will."

I took his hand and led him backstage where sure enough we were met by a barrage of questions and a relieved but happy nod by Mikey.

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