Apology-Gerard style

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I woke up before the alarm with a huge smile on my face.Today is a good day.I can feel it.Day 1 of the GGS campaign or Objective Gee for short.Alright.Lets do this thang!!With a swing of my legs i got off the bed and got ready for the first day of the warped tour! Hell yeah.

"Frank!!!Hey Fraaankk!Wait up!"I yelled as i saw Frank gettinof the bus heading towards the show.

"Hey chica,ready for for some fun?"He grinned.

"Ready as I'll ever be.Oh man,I can't wait to meet All Time Low..oh amd Black Veil Brides,Fall Out Boy and Mayday Parade.."

"Don't forget Sum 41"

I grinned excitedly.

"I cant believe they're all here!!"

"You know the best thing?"

"What?" he looked at me questioningly.

I replied smugly"They cant wait to meet us too".

Frank burst out laughing."Oh man,where have you been all our lives?"

We exchanged excited glances as we heard the roar of the crowds as the time for Sum 41 approached.

"Hey guys!" Mikey and Ray ran upto us."Hey! This is awesome!"

I asked Mikey"Wheres Gerard?"

He looked uncomfortable,remembering our earlier conversation."Oh uh,hes gone to get Lyndsey,he'll be he-"

"Hey guys!"he got interrupted as Gerard walked up to us with a girl in tow.

"Hey Gerard!" we all replied."...Hey Lyndsey..' i noted their bleak enthusiasm at Gerard's girlfriend.

As i studied her,I realized..Mikey was right.I felt my chest tighten.She looks just like those high school skanks...

I looked at Mikey.He was studying me.He shrugged.I told you.
Sigh.So this is what I'm gonna have to ward off Gerard.Tall with tattoos covering both her arms.Nose and lip rings were noticeable.She didmt look to excited to be with us,judging by the extremely bored look.

"Hey Jennn!!!" Great.He's not in his senses....again.

....I ignored him.I know i said no to Ice queen but right now its really hard to control.He looked away hurt clearly shown on his face.

Lyndsey gave me a once over.I crossed my arms and raised an eyebrow not bothering with niceties.She sneered,"Gerard,I dont believe we've met.",gesturing to me.

He said,"Oh yeaaahh..Lyndsey this is Jennifer Hardy.Jennifer,this is Lyndsey,my girlfriend".Hmmm.I noticed lyndsey's smile tighten a bit at the word 'girlfriend.'I exchanged a glance with Frank who looked at me seriously and then threw a look of disgust at Lyndsey.Hoe,he mouthed.I choked down laughter.She looked at me suspiciously.

I ignored her"Ok people,lets go! I think they've started!"

They all started to hurry down to the show.Mikey walked with me.

"Hey Jen,Gerard asked me to tell you to stand near the wings of the stage."

I frowned"Why would I do that?"

He shrugged,"He didnt tell me why" and jogged away.

I walked down to the wings,listening to the ongoing show and saw Gerard waiting there alone.

"What do you want?"I asked without preamble.

He smiled at me not seeming fazed by my coolness towards him and said"Well,if you could just wait for a few minutes,you'll know.."

I huffed..."Wheres Lindsey?"Curiosity getting to me.

"Oh she had to get back to her band."

I nodded.

We small talked,listening to the band ,and  suddenly when they took a break,Gerard jogged onstage.

I looked at him in suprise and yelled,Gerard?What are you doing?"

The crowd cheered when they spotted him.He waved and then turned to Derek,the frontman.Well,Derek looks suprised so its not a planned thing...Whats he doing?

Then Derek grinned and nodded.

He turned to the crowd.

"Well people,Gerard Way here has someone he wants to apologise to,so for this next song.he'll be joining me for the chorus.This is...the Best Of Me!"

I stood there stunned,Gerard remained on stage.The song started and as they reached the chorus,they paused and he grabbed the mike. "This is for you Jen,Im really sorry for all the shit that I put you through from the first time we met.Unbelievable huh?Anyway...this one's for you...".....he kept his eyes on me and started singing.What?

"Im sorry,its all that I can say.You mean so much and I'll fix all that I've done,if i could start again."
As the crowd cheered loudly and the band resume,he started jogging towards me.

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