Change of Plans

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Oh god oh god,Im gonna be late!

"Hey Gee!! Im gonna go pick up Andy from the airport.Y'all be here right?"

"Yeah..Lindsey's here this morning so I'll meet her and then I'll be here before you gt back."Gerard said.

"Okay bye!!"

Shutting the door,I raced to beat the the L.A traffic to the airport.

I reached there on time might i add.

I pulled out the board that I had got.He's gonna love this,I thought grinning.I had written "Andy Six"Waving at the occasional paparazzi,I waited for Andy to show.

And soon enough,there he was.I sucked in a breath.Did i only say he was hot?He.Is.Gorgeous.

I waited for him to see the sign and giggled when his eyes passed by the sign but took a double take.He walked over laughing."Like it?"

I gasped as he hugged me tight spinning me around a little.There came a barrage of camera flashes.

I can almost see the deadlines now"Jen and Andy:They look like a cover of a nicholas sparks book"

He smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry...just you know,kinda missed you."

I laughed,"No worries..cuz i missed you too."

We grinned at each other before snapping out of it and getting in the car with the luggage.

When we reached my place,stepping in the elavator,you could almost feel the electricity.We were standing close,our hands brushing occasionally leaving behind those tingles that seem to always be there whenever Andy was there.

I cleared my throat to clear the charged air.

"So..The guys should be home..I wanted you to meet.You know,in normal surroundings..."

"Yeah me too.Though I feel like Im meeting the parents ."

I snorted"Yeah,but this set of parents won't mind the tats since you have a tattoo partner in Frank."

He waited as I opened the door,meeting a overexcited Frank.

"Hey Jen!Did you get Andy?Nice place by the way.I was too hammered yesterday to tell.."

"Hey Frankie and yes Andy's here and thank you.I was too hammered to reply yesterday.Now,can we come in?"

"Uh yeah duh, its your apartment."

I rolled my eyes as we entered the living room.All the four were in there looking like a band with all their equipment.

"So...guys.I know Mikes and Frankie met him last night,but lets face it you werent in your senses.So everyone,this is Andy Biersack from Black Veil Brides and Andy.."

I introduced all of them and they did the nod and handshake thing.

"So what you guys doing?"

Well,we were trying to practice some tracks but Frank here cant get the solo right.."Ray answered while Frank pouted.But he soon brightened.

"Hey!! Andy plays!Maybe he can help?"

Gerard said,"I dunno..."

"Well,I can try..How does it go?"Andy replied shrugging walking towards Frank.And then in a few minutes as I watched amazed,they were done.

Frank looked at him in awe.I dont blame him.I think my face was the same.Exchanging looks with Mikey,Gerard said,"Alright lets hear it Frank."

He shook his head."I believe this wizard here should have first go."

Andy looked suprised,he started to protest but Frank shoved the guitar in his hands.He asked Frank,"Do u want me to play both of em?"

Gerard raised his eyebrows,"Both?Frank I thought you were stuck on only one?"

Frank nodded,"Yeah,but remember i wasnt satisfied with " Im Not"..i mean one song.So i thought he might help with that too.And boy did he!."

Gerard pressed his lips together and noddd.Andy looked at me,shrugged again and started to play.What followed was...not just music but another language.The guitar a part of Andy's body and his fingers flew across the fret board.Whatever these songs were..they would have been amazing without these solos but these just took them to another level.

With a flourish,as he finished after a moment of awestruck silence there was thunderous applause.

"Holy shit Andy,you deserve all the fucking success you've had till now.That was amazing!"I was the first to break the silence by giving him an excited hug.Frank,Ray and Mikey clapped his back and Frank added,"Man,Am i glad that you're part of your own uber succesful band otherwise my job would be in danger!!"All of us except Gerard laughed.

He just said,"That was pretty good.Thanks."

I sighed and walked over to Mikey as Andy started talking to the others.He nodded at me,"I know."

I stopped,"Know what?"

"What your gonna say?Yeah..gonna have to change the plan right?"

I sighed again,"Im sorry Mikey."

He smiled ruefully and shrugged,"Heart wants what it wants but it is also confused at times.Now that Andy's in the mix...well,you should give him a chance.Its ok.I mean,Gee has become almost normal again.So thanks to you for that."

"I....i dont know Mikey.How am i gonna decide?"

He patted my hand,"Jen,don't worry,when it happens you'll know.Give both of them a chance."

"I just feel like..if it wasn't for me,they would hv been good friends."

"That i cannot deny."

I nodded as I smiled at Andy walking our way.He grinned,"Hey Mikey,you guys are pretty cool!"

"Haha,thanks i guess.Would love to meet the rest of BVB too though."

"Oohh yeah...Me too!" i squeeled.

Mikey glanced at me sideways,"I have a feeling you will soon"

For some reason,I blushed.Clearing my throat,I said,"So...are you leaving?"

Andy nodded,"Yeah,I better go and unpack and you know..get ready."

Mikey's one eyebrow raised."If you dont mind me asking,for what?"

I flushed feeling weird to say it to Gerard's brother,"Oh umm,well we got a date tonight."

Andy nodded,"Yeah,so I better get going."

I followed him to the door.

Andy smiled,putting a loose strand of hair behind my ears."Well,your friends are one of the coolest band guys I've met.Even including Gerard."

I shook my head,feeling the need to defend him despite his behaviour today."Hey,dont judge him so quickly.He's just...going through some stuff now and even in the past.Once you get to know him...well,I hope y'all be good friends."After i said this,i realized I just repeated what Mikey had said so many months ago.He lifted my chin,meeting my eyes and said softly,"Hey,Im sorry.I know,if he's your closest friend,then he must be alright.Promise I'll try to get him to warm up to me quickly."I didnt tell him how those words put a hope for the future in me.I kissed his lips lightly."You're unbelievably sweet.Thank you."

We watched each other till the lift closed and still smiling I closed the door.

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