Handling the Aftermath

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1 month later..
" Ugh.This sucks ass.I am NOT releasing this shitty piece of too much lovey dovey album,Wendy."

I half shout down the phone at my manager.

There was a barely audible sigh from her."Jenny...you've always been the perfect client.So since youve always had a record ready by each deadline,The Record company is okay with the delay this time.But..you wanna maintain your clean reputation dont you?"

This time I sighed.I dont wanna argue with Wendy.We have the kind of working relationship you dont find very often in this industry.But she was getting on my nerves.

"Look,I didnt say I wont have an album out anytime soon..Just not one with this collection of songs."

"Ok Jen..Alright.Just...You're ok right? You know,with the stuff with Ger-"

"FINE.Im alright.Im ok.Fanfuckingtastic.Just decided I needed a breather is all.Yeah by the way I will be attending the movie premiere next week."

I cut her off before she mentioned Him,adding the last part was a good way to distract her.

I almost felt her brighten up.

"You are? Oh good.What about a date?You're going alone?"

I paused,thinking about Andy..no that'll be no good.

"Yea...alone I will be."

"Oh"..Uh-oh,long pause...now what is she thinking?..

"Ha!Alone is ok.Just so you know,movie premieres are like the date finding celebrity hotspots you know.."

I laughed,knowing thats what she was trying to do.

"Ok,Wendy,Il keep my eyes open."


"Mm-hmm.Ciao" Huh..looks like I wasnt convincing enough...Eh.

I got a few songs up my sleeve.Boy,what a change of type its gonna be.

It was time to get back to business after the month long break to.."recover" as they put it.Fuck that.

I dont need no recovery.

I thought back to the days after "the Incident" as I called it.It might seem like it wasnt that big of a deal,but for someone like me where the situation hit a lil too close too home?Yeah it was a hella big deal.Ugh forget that.I was talking about the days after that.

Cary had caught an earlier flight to spend more time here,and also,he didnt admit it but duh,im not stupid,to check on me.With him I was able to forget everything and just enjoy the limited time I had with my best friend.I gave him a tour of L.A,enjoying the starstruck expression that was constantly on his face.

With me,he always treated me like a normal girl here in L.A for a normal job and not an actual famous person.It was like he kept me on the ground.not letting me soar too high from it.For that, I would always be thankful.

Of course during his trip we had a fair share of shutterbug run ins but we managed to make that fun too.

Did I mention the rest of MCR met him?..yeah.I was very happy to see that they immediately gelled well.Other than that the beginning when I made the introductions of course.That was.....awkward.It went something like this:

"So yeah,Carey this is Ray,Mikey,and Frank that is My Chemical Romance!"Everyone paused.Shit I was hoping they'd let that one tiny detail go.Of course not.I continued,"Well...3/4 of My Chem..hehehe.."Everyone chuckled hesitantly..God so uncomfortable...

So...yeah thats how it went.But it was great after that.Everyone managed not to mention any...unnecesary names throughout the day.

But of course,like every rose has its thorns,after he left,making me promise that I wont let Gerard get to me and make me have a breakdown...thats exactly what I did.

Rags To Riches (Gerard Way/MCR)Where stories live. Discover now