Making up and two phone calls

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AN: ok so..i gotta confess,of all the music I listen to you know,MCR,BVB,FOB n all...I got a guilty pleasure among them:Taylor Swift.Really I mean if u look at my spotify,her name would realllyyy stand out.So anyway,just wanted to say that im gonna make her songs as Jen's ok? Remember its fan Fiction.So..yeah.)

(Groan) Im never.Drinking.Again.
Ugh fine,i know i will.

I shuffled out of bed,immediately feeling the effects.A big truck just ran through my head,I think.I squinted at the dresser on which there was a glass of orange juice and some pills.Aww Andy! As i slowly moved there,I spotted a note under the glass.I picked it up.It read, "Im real sorry Jen,I forgot to tell you yesterday that I had a flight to catch to go back and make the final arrangements.But,I'll be back tomorrow.And dont feel guilty about yesterday ok?I know u will.
See you when I get back?
P.s Drink the O.J and take the pills,it'll help with the nausea and headache which u Will b having.;-)

I scanned the note..I did as he asked drinking the juice and freshened up.

Ok.Time to fix whatever it is,with Gerard.Walking in to the living room,I see Ger alone sitting on the couch with mug of coffee.

I tiptoed over and hugged him from behind.Before he could speak,I said,"Whatever it is..Im sorry.I know i should have introduced Andy to y'all...and not danced like that..thts so embarrassing!U knw me better than tht..thats not regular me."

He relaxed,turning around he spoke,"No thats not regular you,thats taking a break you.Its ok.I mean...I was mad to see you dancig lke that..but dunno why i was so mad. I dont really have a right or whatever to know whom you're with.Guess im sorry too."
Oh Gee,you have more of a right than anyone in the entire world.

Feeling like a huge weight had been lifted,we both hugged tightly.

"Where are the rest?"

"Oh yeah,they're waiting downstairs for me.We got a photoshoot and stuff today."

"Awww..I wont see y'all today?Alright..guess I'll get some work done.."

"Sorry Jen...I gotta go.See you tonight.Introduce Andy properly then."

"Oh Andy'll be back tomorrow.Then I will.See ya!"

Kissing me on the cheek,he took off.
Sigh...Now what? First things first.Gotta check the paper and call Cary.

Sifting through the paper,I found the article about us.There was a picture of all of us dancing.Ok good,not bad.Headlines read"Jen,MCR and Andy biersack equals good times".Skimming through,I found some mentions of Andy and me.."Jennifer and Andy arrived together and were seen together inside almost all the time.We can say that sparks fly right guys?"it read.Oh my god these people.I felt guilty,wondering if Gerard had seen this but shook it off.We just met.Not Dating.

Time to face Cary's wrath.

"Jennifer Cameron Hardy why havnt you told me about that hunk of a guy with you?"was his greeting.

"Hey Care.I called to talk about that actually.His name is Andy and he's in Black-"

"I know which band he's in! Forget the details.Just tell me..did y'all...?"

"What?No!Care! You know I'm not a one night kinda girl..anyway..Care he was so sweet.He's everything that you'd never guess from his apearance."I told him the whole story right from the groceries.He whistled."Damn,he sounds like an all round catch.What you gonna do about it?"

"Weeelllllll....."stretching the word o I had time to think of an excuse.

"Jen!!!!"he groaned.its time you stop waiting for Gerard to get his head of his or rather Her ass.Give up on him.".I shook my head even though he coukdnt see me.He didnt understand...

"Gee,I can always count on you for good advice..but..its good advice for.other peope.I dont give up"

He sighed.Okay careful"He sounded resigned."I'll be coming there for the weekend so dont fuck stuff up there ok?Im coming for some fun and not cleaning up messes"

"YEAH!Love you Care! Cant wait to see you!I-"Just then,I heard an incoming text notification.It was Andy.

"Hey Care..Andy's on the other line.Ill talk later ok?Txt me the details of you're flight."

"Alright lover girl.Just don't forget poor old Cary for all those Hollywood hotties."

Keeping the phone,I read the text.

"Hey,reached home.U Ok?

Instead of replying,I called him.

"Jen?"He sounded suprised.

"Hey Andy...Im ok,thanks to you."

"Good and not a problem.Didnt want to wake you so i didnt say goodbye..."Thats alright."

"So are you and Gerard ok?"

"Yeah we're good."I smiled as was usual whenever he was mentioned.



"I was thinking..after I come back,do you wanna go out for dinner?Or anything that you wanna do?"
He was asking me out!

I bit my lip.Well,I can at least have fun.

"That'd be great."I said trying to sound excited.

"Really?Oh good.I'll come pick you up ..say around 7?"

"Thats perfect.By the way when are you landing?"

"Oh uh...round 7 AM?

"Ok,then Im gonna see you then."

"What?No thats ok Jen.I'll gt a car to pick me up."

"Nope,its the least I can do since yesterday..."I shuddered internally.

He laughed."Believe me Jen..I have no regrets about last night."

"Oh god!! Im sorry, I swear Im not like that normally.I donbt even drink much."

"Thats ok Jen!Everyone needs downtime.Don't worry.You're awesome really.Listen,I gotta go ok?I'll see you at the airport."

"Yeah.See you then.

Well,what better way to destress than songwriting?I had a couple of ideas in mind...

Rags To Riches (Gerard Way/MCR)Where stories live. Discover now