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I woke up straight the next day,peering at the alarm.Right.Time to go.

I got ready and went downstairs to find everyone ready and having breakfast.

"Oh look.Sleeping beauty is awake."Frank smirked.Rolling my eyes I helped myself to the pancakes.

"Alright we leave in half an hour.Better say your goodbyes now people." Ray,ever efficient.

I went up to Donna and hugged her.

"It was nicemeeting you Donna."

"You too,hun.Don't let Gerard get under your skin much.and that...girl either." I laughed at her shudder.

"Hey Jennifer?I'm Donald.Sorry I didnt meet you yesterday." I turned to see a man who looked like the spitting image of Mikey and Gee.Their dad.

"Oh no worries Mr.Way."

He hugged me too.

"Take care.And of Gerard too."

I nodded.No pressure huh?

Soon we piled into the van and were on the way to the airport.

"Phew,at least they left us alone in Jersey." Frank exclaimed as we plopped down in our seats.Mikey snorted.The reporters sure did swarm us.

"Well,this news obviously will not go uncovered.Get used to it."I replied.

Frank shuddered."Hope they don't write some shit."

I laughed and said to Mikey,"Remember that article during warped when we met at that coffee shop?"

He chuckled."Do I ever.I almost pissed myself when I read that title.And so did Alicia,I think."

We kept bantering like that for the rest of the flight.

Ray and Gerard sat behind us.

Bet the mood wouldn't be like this if Gee sat here...

"Ahhh,Home sweet home."I breathed as we stepped in.

"'m gonna go." Gerard spoke up.I realized this was the first time I heard him speak since weleft Jersey.

We looked at him in surprise.

"what?But we just got here..." Ray said.

He scratched the back of his neck.

"'ve gotta meet Lyndsey..for something.So yeah.Later."

Frank snorted as he walked out."For something...indeed."

I bit my lip.Of course he'd go meet her after being away for so long.She's his girlfriend.Its time we both stopped pretending otherwise.

I turned away with a blank face.

Why he was being a prick I don't know.Whatever.

"So..uh..Jen?I'm afraid you're gonna be alone in the evening.We all gotta..."Mikey trailed off.Them too?Oh well.I could use this time to call Carey and..maybe Andy ll meet me outside somewhere...

I nodded assuring him"Yeah,its fine.I could use the time without the ruckus."I smirked.

They chuckled and shuffled out the door.

I dropped my smile and dialed Carey.

"Hey bitch!Two more days to see u!"was his enthusiastic greeting.

And "Hey." was mine.Nice right?Whatever.Enthusiasm could kiss my-ugh moving on.

I moved on to fill him in.After some assurance and optimism that we'll have a "kickass" time to forget Gerard when I gets here" he hung up.

Rags To Riches (Gerard Way/MCR)Where stories live. Discover now