First Impression

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(Okay, so before starting,just wanted to say that the timeline for the songs maybe mixed up. Also here's a pic from tumblr for a visual for the scene!)

"It begins with a boy and ends with a boy,but what story doesn't?"

                                             - Amber Johnson in Puddle Jumping

Shit. Okay so I took a nap for little more than 5 minutes.What can i say,Sleep is one of my best friends,ain't that right Sleep? Coffee...i need coffee.I got off my tour bus yawning and took a look around stretching.I hadn't really explored because of the immediate start of the rehearsals but I think there's a Starbucks across the place.As I walked,I saw a man stumble down from the tour bus a little away from mine, I watched wearily as he suddenly doubled over and puked his guts out.I gasped as he literally fell flat face down on the grass.I ran the couple feet, kneeling down near him."Don't'cha worry Ray-Ray,it's easy as pumpkin pie..".
What? Ugh okay, never mind trying to make sense of what this weirdo is trying to say, he's drunk as hell. Ohmygod, the stench. I winced as the memories came flashing back.I pushed them back again as usual. Shaking my head to clear it, I tried to flip him on his back and as i did he mumbled,"Frankie,you'll neva guess...."he trailed off as his eyes focused on saw that it wasn't "Frankie", if he was even real...
I said,"Alright, let's get you up". After quite a struggle,he got up. I had to put my hand across his shoulder to support him. Dang, he's heavier than I thought.I said,"So that's your bus right? Lets get you up on it." "Hmmmmmm, you not Frank, unless Frank cross dressed and became beautiful", he giggled. I sighed. Any other time,I would have blushed and taken it as a compliment but right now it was dark, I needed my coffee fix AND I had to help some guy who was clearly High as fuck!!
I scowled and said,"No,I'm not Frank but I wish this Frank would be here to take your sorry drunken ass up to your bunk and dump it there! Ughhhh,I need coffee...."All this time while I made that little rant,he sullenly let me lead him to his bunk as he sat down,he perked up again at the word coffee. "Cofffeee!!" I raised my eyebrows,well here's a guy with a clear affinity for caffeine...okay so he gets several points in my book for that.

I slapped his hands away when he tried touching my face."What did you call me?"
He said,"Huh? Oh,well..." now it was his turn to turn tomato red,"Um, well you look like an angel...really",he mumbled looking away.As we both knelt there awkwardly,I turned and said "You're gonna have a killer head ache in the morning, where do you keep the aspirin?" " Top right shelf in the bathroom", he said still looking embarrassed. I got the aspirin, poured a glass of orange juice I found in the kitchen and brought it up to him. "Bottoms up", I said.

As he drank, keeping his eyes on me,I looked around. The bus was obviously for a band since there were multiple bunks and a lot of their stuff was lying around.I turned back to him and realized I didn't even know his damn name."Listen,so whats your name?" We both said together.We grinned and I said, "I'm Jennifer,well you you can call me Jen. He said,"I'm Gerard and you can call" I laughed and said,"Okay Gerard,you're obviously in a band and you look really familiar but I can't place you.
"Yeahhhh...I'm in a band, who seemed very pissed off at me last i saw em..."he trailed off looking reproachful. I said softly,"Hey, they'll be fine in the morning."
"Yeah well I hope so..Isn't the first time.." I looked at him and scowled remembering why I was there in the first place."Yeah, well. You certainly deserve it honey.Now I think you should get rest and sleep it off by the morning so at least then they wont be annoyed at you when you can have a real clear conversation.Goodnight Gerard."
Okay...bossy.."he grumbled. He seemed to have comparatively sobered up since before he looked absolutely smashed.As I turned to go, he caught my wrist,"Look,I'm sorry.Thanks for helping me out Jen. Anyone else woulda just let me be, lying on the grass there. I appreciate it. I...I'll see you later?" At the question I paused and sighed,"Look I don't....*sigh* Yeah maybe.Maybe, see you later Gerard."

With that I walked off,closing the door so that i could i could get my coffee something I felt I needed even more now.Damn heart-stopping, beautiful drugged up Gerard....who was he and why the hell did he look so familiar anyway? Did I mention he was beautiful? Ughhh....

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