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I went back to the bus in the mood for some reading.You could say I love reading.You could say I'm a bookworm.Well,you could say a lot of things.

I....oohh a text from Cary!"Hey girl!Check this out!I know it aint true cuz u'll tell me wen therz a nw guy rite?Riiiite?.The text made me laugh.Better call him now.
As usual he picked up after two rings. "Jennyyyyyyy!!How ya doin babe?"
"Caryyyyyyyy!Im doin alrite.I miss you so much!"
Ok now tell me.Is that true?Damn girl you finally met them huh?Is that why you called at 2am that day?"
"wait up.I havnt checked the link and no thats not why Id called.Ugh dont remind me.Wait a sec."

I checked the link.Jenny Hardy dating Mikey Way?It read.It had a picture attachment.Ugh tabloids.Whos Mikey W....woah wait a minute.My Chem Mikey?I freaked out as I saw the picture.It was one where we were laughing at the coffee shop.Oh my god.This is mortifying.I think Mikey has a girlfriend!

"Cary!My answer to that is NO.I just met him today at a cofee shop.As a matter of fact he has a girlfriend.And im gonna meet the rest of the band tomorrow!!"

"Thats awesome girl!I take it your having fun touring? And why'd you call that day?Wait.Did you drunk dial honey?He teased.

"Ugh no i did not."I told him everything that had happened.

"Damn!!Princess Jen finally got ditched by somebody!But Maybe you judged too early?Have you heard from him since then?He might have had some emergency."

Yeah i know.But..um well..We forgot to exchange numbers.."I said sheepishly.

"Jenn!Ugh you both sound fit for each other.Well..hey! You can ask Mikey if he knows Gerard!

"Care you're the best! I will.I should go.Talk later yeah?

"Course.Talk later.Tell me all about it.Mwah darlin." I ended the call.I felt a lot better after talking to Cary.

I have to show Mikey this thing..If he hasnt seen already.Ugh the embarrassment.

Alright.I flop onto my bed with the best book ever!Its called Puddle Jumping.Its love story about a girl who falls for an autistic boy in high school.Its so darn adorable!And Colton!Sigh.Anyway everyone should check it out.It really opens your eyes about disabilities.

I soon fall asleep with the book in my hands,excited for tomorrow and thoughts swimming about a black haired boy's piercing gaze.

Rags To Riches (Gerard Way/MCR)Where stories live. Discover now