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Mikey's POV

I got home early morning and walked to Gee's room only to find it empty.Where is he?

As I turned to leave,I saw a bunch of papers on the floor.Picking them up,I realised what they were.Lyrics.And..a sketch.

He'd drawn...Jennifer?I took in a was mindblowing.The detail....With this picture we could see how Gee saw her;like an angel..It was obvious that he had taken every detail seriously.Every freckle,every laugh line on her face.She was laughing her face angled away from the seeing eyes.He had captured her perfectly.The heart shaped face,hair cascading down her shoulders and her look...this could be done only by a person who had observed her closely enough.The innocence set in the stubborn yet wise face of hers..I shook my head.Gee...he's in deep.So fucking deep.

Sifting through the lyrics next,with a start I noticed that all these were love themed.Like they were written for a girl.They werent titled that way but it was obvious.
To the end.The world is Ugly.Summertime.I came to a stop at the last one.Now this one was meant to be a love song.Demolition Lovers.

The very first line confirmed my thoughts of whom it was about.
Hand in mine,into your icy blues..

Jen.Lyndsey had brown eyes so it wasnt her.Thank God.

I sighed.

Looks like it IS time to talk to him.But first,to find him.

I went to Jens room to ask where he was,but instead found both of them there.They were sleeping all cuddled together with Jens head on his chest.Oh no,Jens gonna flip on him when she realises tht he cheated on Lyndsey..with her.

At that moment Gerard,opened his eyes.


Gerards POV

I opened my eyes,to see my brother standing at the door with a look of despair on his face.

Looking around at our position,I realized what he was thinking.

Shaking my head,I gently pulled free my hand from Jen,brushing my hand across her face.I stood up and motioned to Mikey to follow intonthe living room.

"Nightmare,"Was all I had to say for realisation to dawn in him.No wonder.I've had plenty of them.

"Gee...what are you doing?"

"Well,I just woke up so i dunno.."

He ignored my sass/defense."You.Are.In.Love.With.Jen.Why are you STILL with that..."

"I cant..Mikey.I know.I know Im screwing it up.But..I love her Mikey..So fuxking much.But I cant risk it.If she leaves...thatll be the final straw.

I never meant for it to happen Mike.I thought I could live with nust friends... She'd never hurt me intentionally.But unintentionally?All it will take is a fuck up by me and...that'd be the end."

Mikey who looked stern just a few minutes back,softened.

"Gee...she wont wait around forever.."He gave me a meaningful look.I know who he was referring to.Andy.I took a deep breath.

"You've always wondered why Im with Lynz right?....At the moment,I dont know why cuz all I can think of is the angel in her bedroom right now."

Mikey gave me an incredulous look which said,"Are you serious?You're an idiot."...Trust me,I know.

I continued,"But before...I guess she was safe.There was never any danger of falling for her."I said wryly.

Mikey just stared at me.After about 5 minutes," Im trying reaally hard not to strangle you right now big brother.

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