A new resolution for Jen

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As i lay on the bed trying to pen down some lyrics,there was a knock on the door.

I opened the door to a large bouquet in front of me.Mikey's face popped out from behind."Delivery from Gerard Way"he said.

I scoffed,"Somehow,finding out that Frank was a lawyer before Mcr is more believable than that."

Mikey grinned but then a look of sadness wiped it right out."Jen....Please don't judge Gee right now.You've practically saw him at his worst.You havn't seen Sober Gerard yet.Even as his brother,I can say that he's the sweetest person you'll ever meet.He....he had a rough time in High School.I mean those girls..I mean they never saw the real guy,they just saw the weird emo kid always on the outside.So right now he'll take anything he can get and think its love.So with Lyndsey......."he took a deep breath after this rather heartfelt speech.

I blinked away tears that formed at Mikeys quick defense of his brother.I stepped up to him and hugged him tight.Mikey,startled at first returned the hug with equal fierceness.

I patted him on the head."Mike,don't worry.I..well,As it happens I took a stand today.Im starting a 'Get Gerard Sober Forever'campaign.All those words capitalized by the way.I'm gonna make him realise that living life half drunk to take away the pain is NOT the way.And then only then I'll be able to see real Gerard right?"

Mikey stunned by her earnest ourburst found his eyes brimming with tears.He hugged me again and said"No one has EVER even bothered to get to know him,but you...your're something else Jennifer.Thank you."
"Don't worry Mikes.I won't let no bitch try and break his heart.For now,I'll be his protector"I winked.

Mikey let go of a breath he didnt know he was holding."All serious talk aside,Ohmygod Jen have you met that crazy ass girl he thinks he's "dating".Don't worry you'll meet jer tomorrow."

I laughed,"We'll see wont we?Hey do you want some pizza? I got some left if you want.."

"Pizza?Hell yes! And with that,it felt like a huge weight had been lifted from both of us.I promised myself I'll be seeing old Gerard real soon.

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