Tattooed Gentleman

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"We're not in this alone!Let me break this awkward silence....."I sang Slylines while walking home carrying bags full of groceries.

I couldnt really see in front of me,so im pretty sure im going to bang into someone soon enough.

Damn,I have a few hours left before the show.Can't wait to meet them! I wonder if Lyndse-As i was deep in thought,my earlier statementcame true."Ooof!" i slammed straight into a hard surface and a hand came upto to steady me amd keep the bags from falling.

"Im so sorry! I knew this was gonna happen.I totally pushed my luck."

A deep voice chuckled clearly amused by my ramblings.

"Its alright.I suppose I should have approached you sideways instead if head on.I was gonna help you with the bags...."

As he spoke I got a clear look at the stranger,who in fact was not so much of a stranger.Holy hell.Andy fucking Biersack.

As I looked up into his eyes,I saw a flash of recogntion in them too.But he carried on talking anyway.I was suprised by how much I liked that.
Its not always that you get to walk by without gettin hoarded by screaming fans.I love em of course,wouldnt be here without em but a break would be nice.

I actually thought all that while he was speaking so I only heard the last part " you need help carrying them home?I promise Im not a stalker."

I laughed,patting his hand,"I know Andy!And yeah,I'd love some help."

He seemed suprised that I knew who he was.

Umm excuse me who doesn't know BVB please?

"Umm okay,here lemme carry that.Lead the way."

"Way!! Oh damn it.Gimme a sec Andy."

As we kept walking,with him giving me a questioning look,I pulled out my phone and dialed Gerard's number.

"Hey! After the show you better not forget that y'all are staying at my place or im gonna dump all the shit that i bought for you all over your sorry asses !"

There was silence at the other end for so long that I thought he hung up.And then-

"Oh yeah...hehe of course we knew we were coming there! Why would we forget Jenny?"I could almost see him pouting.That brought a smile to my face.

"Oh Gee,you suck at lying.I'll help y'all get your stuff here k?"

"I think thats a good thing Jenny, amd yes please!!"

I grinned at the little kid at the other end of the phone.


By the time i hung up,we were already at the elevator.

I grinned sheepishly at Andy"Sorry about that."

"Boyfriend?"he asked warily.

I blushes,"ehh no.That was Gerard."

"Gerard Way,I presume."

"Howd you guess?"

Well by the fact that you remembered to call him when I said "way"?

"Oh..yeah....Smartass"I flushed agai and mumbled.He laughed.I explained,"Mcr's playing here so they're gonna crash here for the remainder of the time.Why'd you think it was a boyfriend?"

Well,I dunno.aside from familiarity,nickname,way your eyes lit up and the the excited chatter from Gerard?Hmm,no idea."he smirked.

I shoved him playfully as we reached my door and stopped.

"Well,I dont think we've been formalky introduced.Im Jennifer Hardy."I winked,"I dont let strangers in."

"Haha,Im Andy Biersack from Black Veil Brides."

"Well it was certainly an honor to meet you Mr.Biersack."I cocked my head taking in his appearance.Tall and Lanky but just enough muscular,a face with all sharp edges,striking blue eyes,his tattoes giving him a edgy appeal.In all:Yum. Gulp."Not many times have I met a tatooed gentleman."

"Well,tattooed gentleman at your service.And trust me,a pleasure meeting you Ms.Hardy."

We grinned at each other goofily until I invited him in.

He raised his eyebrows,"I'd love to but from what I'd heard you have people you are eager to meet."

"Oh that doesnt start in about two hours.I have to get dressed amd set the place up for them."

He shrugged amd entered,whistling,"Lucky bastards.Sorry...,he glanced sheepishly at the expletive."

"Oh please,my best friend is a overgrown teenager/man."

He snorted."Really though,nice place."

I smiled,"Thanks.Have a seat,while I go change.Maybe you can help set up too Mr.Gentleman"I smirked.

He laughed and said"'Course."

I headed in and when I emerged 15 minutes later,I saw Andy trying out my guitar.

"Im officially impressed,this place is so rad!!" and then he turned around.

His jaw dropped makin me blush.

I'd just worn a halter top that I suppose complemented my green eyes and chestnut hair,a skirt just long enougn not to pass as indecent I figured it was proper "concert which was not mine"material.In short,party material .

He cleared his throat."Um you look nice."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Ok you look hot."

I high fived him,"Thats the word."

He frowned,"Although,Im not sure you should go to such a crowded place like that...."

I smiled,touched at his thoughtfulness."Aww you're so sweet.Dont worry,I'l be backstage and then I'll be surrounded by four awesome and trusted boys.I'll be fine."

"Oh yeah..My Chem..Alright well.Let me walk you till there."

Thanks!That'd be cool.But don't you have a band to get back to?"

"Nah,im actually alone here.Came here to officially move stuff into my new place.Its not far from here actully."

"Omg,awesome.I have a cool neighbor !"

He laughed,escorting me to the door.

We decided to walk all the way to the club.And we talked and we talked and then some.

He was charming as hell,smart,knew all the right things to say and...did i mention hawt?

We slowed to a stop outside."Well that was one of the most lovely walks ever.See you soon Jennifer?"He looked at me hopefully.

I bobbed my head excitedly."Yeah!! Thanks for all the help Andy!"

Exchanging numbers,he gave me a tight hug and as soon as he began to turn around,came voices.


"Andy look here please!"

Are you both here together?"

Give us a pose you two!"

Paparazzi.We looked at each other and shrugged.

We let them take a few snaps and then with a wave to Andy I walked in.
Hmm wonder what'll pop up on the tabloids tomorrow..for the first time I was actually grinning at the thought.

Rags To Riches (Gerard Way/MCR)Where stories live. Discover now