Chapter one

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It's a Sunday morning. Mom asked if me and Jacob could go to the store together.Mom was going to cook tonight but she had forgotten to put milk on the list.Normally Philip would do these kinds of chores for our family.But Dad thought it was time for us to go outside and get some fresh air.As we walked to the store together, Jacob asked ''how are things going with the try outs Tate?''

I was surprised that Jacob was interested in my private life. Jacob and i were never that close growing up. i focused mostly on my own things and jacob did the same. of course we did talk to each other just not about personal things. so it came as a surprise that Jacob asked me about the soccer tryouts

''Tate i'm asking you something'' he says

''it went well. i think i made an impression on coach Miller'' i reply

''of course you did. Why wouldn't he be impressed with your soccer skills after I taught you everything'' he laughs

it feels weird talking to Jacob about stuff like this. for the first time in a long time i feel like i'm talking to my brother again. i'm glad that i'm walking here with him now. just talking about things that brother and sister normally talk about.

''Tate i have something i wanted to talk to you about for i while" he says out of the blue.

i do not like that sentence. when someone says that to you it can go 2 ways. either it can turn out very good. or very bad. there is nothing in between. and in my case it is usually the second.

''OK tell me what's going on'' I say. But you can hear the worry in my voice.

The moment Jacob wants to tell me what he wanted to talk about, a big black car drives onto the sidewalk in front of us. from that moment everything seems to go in slow motion. the door of the car opens. a man gets out of the car. in the second it took to look from Jacob to the man, the man reaches into his pocket and takes out a gun. i feel like i can't move. at that moment he aims his gun at jacob. I hear people screaming around us. Mom and Dad should never have let us go to the store alone. so many things are going through my mind right now. until I hear a loud bang...

''tate wake up'' I hear my father say.

my father is sitting on the edge of my bed ''you had a nightmare'' he says. I wake up slowly. I am still breathing uncontrollably.

why the hell does this keep happening to me?

"what was it about?" my dad asked.

''what are you talking about?'' i reply confused

''Did you have another nightmare about Jacob?'' he asks.

it's been almost 6 years now. and it still keeps me awake. something inside me is still mad at my parents. how the hell can they send me and Jacob out on the streets alone at such a young age? I mean, they know the risks. whenever I ask about it they respond the same

"we wanted to make you feel like you were living a normal life like everyone else"

wow how sweet of them. but it did cost Jacob's life. a life that never asked for all dad's mess. but who was just thrown into the mess.

"no it wasn't about Jacob" i lie to my dad. i just want him to get out of my room. because every time I think of Jacob I can barely look at my parents.

"Go get yourself ready for school, Philip will bring you in half an hour," says my father on his way out.

i get out of bed. I walk to the bathroom for a morning shower. After I shower I quickly put on some make up. it's just enough makeup that you can't tell I'm wearing makeup. I blow dry my long blonde hair so that my hair is no longer soaking wet. it can dry further at school. i put on some blue jeans with a black top. I walk down the stairs where Philip is already waiting for me.

"Eat something before we go Tate," says Philip

''i'm not really hungry right now'' i reply

"Okay, but make sure you eat something at school," he says.

i give him a quick smile. I grab my bag and walk towards Philip's car. or well dad's car but Philip can use it as long as he works for our family.

normally me and philip don't really talk to each other on the way to school. Philip isn't really the kind of person for small talk.

''it's weird you know, seeing you grow up like this'' says philip

''what do you mean by that?" i reply a bit confused.

"I mean I've known you since you were a little girl. and to see you grow into the person you are today, I think that's something special after all you've been through'' he says

''thanks Philip that means a lot to me'' i say with a smile on my face.

Philip has been like a father to me ever since I was little. he was there for me when dad wasn't around. Philip taught me things Dad was always too busy to do. I think I know Philip better than my own father.

once arrived at school I walk to my locker to grab all the books I need today. While I'm busy I hear a familiar voice behind me

''Morning Hilton!''

i turn around to see my best friend Madison standing behind me. I have known Madison for almost 5 years now. Of course you think that after all this time you know everything about each other. but not in our case. Madison doesn't know anything about my private life. or well she thinks she knows everything but those are all lies.

of course i can't tell her that my father is one of the biggest mafia bosses in New York. that could ruin


''are you ready for soccer practice?'' Madison asks

me and Madison are both on the girls' soccer team at our school. every day before classes start we have an hour of training. coach Miller thought it would be a good idea to start the day with soccer instead of ending the day with it

"Of course I'm ready. especcially about the part where i kick callie grey's ass'' i reply with a smirk on my face

''We'll see about that Hilton'' I hear someone say behind us. I recognize that voice. I turn around knowing whose face I'm about to see.

Callie fucking Grey

''I think we both know that i'm the better player here'' she says smirking.

Callie grey is also on the girls' soccer team. i hate to say this but she is an amazing player. but i know i'm better. she just has a hard time admitting it. for some reason since the first soccer practice Callie Grey hates me. I think she just doesn't really like competition.

''Just admit it already Callie. the only one you're making a fool of is yourself'' i laugh

"Tate please don't be a fucking bitch about it and just say what everybody already knows" she says with a grin on her face

"What the fuck did you just call me?" i say looking her in the eyes

"Tate come on she is not worth it" i hear Madison say from behind me

"Yeah Tate listen to your girl, it's not worth it" Callie says

my fist is so ready to punch Callie Grey hard in the face. If she says one more thing I'll punch her.

"Owh and Tate, please remind me to tell coach that you should really start on the bench Friday during the game. that will be better for your recovery from training''

I make a fist and hit the side of her head as hard as I can. the impact causes her to fall to the ground. I take great pleasure in seeing Callie Grey lying so helpless on the floor

''Hilton, Grey, My office, right now'' I hear coach Miller say who apparently has seen everything.

i'm fucked

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