chapter four

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I'm still lying on the couch. I put an ice pack on my eye. the pain has only gotten worse in the last hour.

fuck you Tate hilton

"How are you feeling?" I hear Liam's voice asking from the kitchen.

''It hurts like a bitch'' I say while laughing which also hurts

''do you want me to take another look?'' he asks

"I don't think it would really help but thanks" I say smiling

Liam sits next to me on the couch. I didn't even realize he had come downstairs. he puts his feet on the table and his hand on my leg

"If there's anything I can do for you, let me know," Liam says

Liam is telling a story about a prank some guys from his football team played on the coach. but I can't concentrate on what he's saying. all my attention goes to his hand.

on my leg

"Can you get me a glass of water from the kitchen?" I ask Liam so I can escape from this position.

"sure whatever you want princess" he responds with a smile

I watch him as he walks to the kitchen and fills a glass with water. I caught myself staring.

NO NO NO Callie this is Liam he is your sister's boyfriend you can't stare at him and you certainly can't like him that way.

"here you go a glass of water for ma'am" says Liam.

"thank you" I say as Liam sits down next to me on the couch.

"Callie please don't tell your sister what I'm about to tell you, but I like hanging out with you better than with her." she's on her phone all the time. at least you know how to have a sincere conversation'' he says smiling

those words. i love those words. i love everything about that whole sentence. it feels like some kind of confirmation. confirmation that Liam does indeed enjoy talking to me. and not just because I'm his girlfriend's sister.

he enjoys talking to me. i'm smiling thinking about that

"what are you thinking about?" he asks

i'm thinking about you Liam Parker. and i'm still thinking about those words you told me. and about how you just called me princess. that's all i'm thinking about.

''just about something that happened in soccer practice'' i lie

"tell me about it" he says while looking at me

I have a hard time coming up with anything while Liam is looking at me like that.

''coach wanted to show us something but it failed completely, it was kinda funny to watch'' i lie again

''wish i could be there. Now that I say it, I think it would be fun to come and watch a soccer game. i'd love to see you play'' he says

okay Liam you really have to stop with all those compliments or things can happen that I regret later.

"Yeah you should do that sometime" i smile

I get up to go to the toilet. as I walk I feel Liam's eyes looking at me. you know that sometimes you feel that someone is watching you. I have that feeling now. i don't know if i like the feeling right now. because the feeling is turning me on. but Liam is my sister's boyfriend. that would be so wrong to do.

the moment I walk back to the couch I still see Liam sitting there. he looks at me the whole time as i walk back to the couch.

''you have to stop doing that'' he says suddenly

"Stop doing what?" I ask, a little surprised

"you have to stop looking at me like you want me to bang you"

i am shocked by his words. I have no idea how to respond to this. Liam gets up and walks over to me. and before I know it I feel his lips on mine.

I feel a tingle throughout my body as his hands grab my waist. I wrap my hands around his neck as I'm dragged along by his kiss

i'm kissing Liam

i know what i'm doing is wrong but right now wrong feels so good. wrong is the only thing i want to feel right now. I open my mouth slightly and feel how Liam's tongue slowly finds mine.

Liam lifts me up and lays me down on the couch. he takes off his shirt and throws it on the chair next to the couch. for a moment we stop kissing. Liam looks deep into my eyes. we know we both want this. and we know there's no turning back. I start to unbutton Liam's pants as he takes off my shirt. we are both half naked on the couch when we hear the door open.

"what the fuck are you guys doing?"

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