Chapter twenty four

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Tate is dreaming. She woke me up. I slowly get up and look at her.

"It went well, I think I made an impression on Coach Miller." She says in her sleep. I don't know what her dream is about, but it's clearly not interesting enough to keep me awake.

"Tell me what's going on Jacob." She says again in her sleep. Shit. She's talking about Jacob. I am not fully awake yet but I do realize that this is not a dream, but a nightmare.

"Tate wake up." I grab her shoulder and gently push against her.

She continues to sleep. She keeps saying things like she's talking to Jacob. Suddenly she starts to panic. "No no please let him go!" she yells.

"Tate wake the fuck up!" I shake her up and down hard. She opens her eyes in total panic, gasping for air. She sits up. Her breath is shallow and I can hear her heart beating. She's covered in sweat.

"Hey are you okay?" I ask her. I put my arm around her. She doesn't answer. Everything she does is cry. I see tears streaming down her cheeks. This isn't a joke anymore.

''You're okay Tate just breath. Everything will be fine." She can't even look at me. She is afraid to look at me in this state. I rub my hand down her back trying to calm her down.

"I have to go." Tate stands up. She gets dressed. She walks towards the door with her things.

 "Tate what's going on?"

"I can't be here right now." She's still crying. She had a nightmare about Jacob. This place just brings back too many memories. I get it.

"I'll take you to Madison." I tell her. I look towards the clock. It is half past four in the night. I get up to put on my clothes too.

"No please I need to be alone right now." She opens the door and walks out. "How do you go home you don't even have a car?" I call after her, but she has already closed the door.

What the hell just happened?

. . .

I walk with Chloe towards the locker room. I haven't spoken to Tate since last night. When I open the door I immediately look for Tate. She's in the corner of the locker room, she was already looking at me.

Everyone is almost ready to go. "Do you want me to wait for you?" Chloe asks me. I look through the locker room and see that Tate is the only one left. "No, you don't have to." I tell her. Chloe follows the rest of the girls outside.

"I'm so sorry Callie I shouldn't have left." Tate says as the door closes. She gets up and walks towards me.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask her. She just walked away. I think it's fair if I do find out why.

"No, it had nothing to do with you."

Look Tate I'm not the one who killed Jacob. You can't blame me for it." I tell her. She looks at me. The feeling that she has to say sorry seems to disappear from her.

''Please don't start this over again.'' She looks at me seriously. She wants to get mad at me for bringing Jacob back in but she won't.

"Tate, I understand you're afraid to open up because you blame me, but I don't think it's fair. I didn't know." I tell her. Because I feel like the reason she left last night was because she thinks it's my fault.

"Callie I don't want to have this conversation with you right now because I'm going to say things I'll regret" She walks away. She walks away without looking back, as if last night didn't happen.

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