Chapter thirty three

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This girl followed me and is now forcing me to have a conversation with her.

"Callie I know you have trouble communicating with people, but you don't have to take that out by arguing with everyone. I admit, I shouldn't have said it, but you need to stop this shit of yours."

She says nothing back. She doesn't say anything back because she just doesn't know what to say back. "You can't say you love me one day and pick a fight with me the next because you're the one who can't express your feelings." I add. That's all I want to say to her. I can see from the whole expression on her face that she knows I'm right.

"I'm really fucking sorry." She takes my hand and looks deep into my eyes. I close my eyes because I don't want to expose myself to her if she can't do it herself the other way around.

"I just want us to stop fighting." I don't know if she realizes she's the one who started this fight, and now she expects me to just forgive her for how she's been acting towards me the past few days .

I bite the inside of my cheek, trying to think of something to respond. I just don't know what she wants to hear from me right now.

"How can I make it up to you?" I feel her finger move gently over my leg. I hate what this girl is doing to me. She only has to touch me and I'm sold again.

"Mhm?" She waits for an answer from me. She's been waiting for an answer from me all along, but there are so many answers going around in my head right now and I can't decide which one is best.

She reaches across the seat and wraps her fingers around my waist, pulling me towards her. "I'll do whatever you want to make it up to you."

She takes advantage of the fact that she can turn me on, but I have to admit she does it very well. I'm still mad at her, and we're definitely going to talk after this so something will change, but I still have my needs.

I push myself up and adjust myself on top on her as she pushes her seat back as far as possible. Her hand slides down my arm onto my hip.

I lean in to kiss her. She runs her hand under my shirt until she meets my bra. I won't let the kiss last long. I push myself back and look at her. I move my mouth towards her neck and start kissing it slowly upwards until I reach her ear.

"I want you to fuck me in this car." I whisper in her ear as my lip gently moves back to the side of her neck.

"We need to talk first." she says. I thought she would do anything I wanted, but apparently she has another idea in mind.

"We'll talk later." I slide my hands around to her back, moving them slowly under her shirt. I unclasp her bra while she still has all her clothes on.

"Promise we'll talk after this." I grab the back of her neck with both hands. She's still unsure about what we're doing.

Right now i think i want my clothes to come off more then she does. I already feel myself heavy with want. "I promise." That's all I have to say. A grin appears on her face and she immediately begins to take action.

Her hands connect with the button on my jeans faster then our lips connect again. Her hands slides up the back of my shirt, I feel a shiver down my body from the feeling of her cold hands on my skin.

"What if someone sees us?" She pulls her face back and looks at me with concern. "They won't" I tell her. The rain is pouring outside. I can't even look out properly.

"People can hear us when they walk by." She says, still doubtful.

"Then you'll have to be quiet."

"I never make much noise."

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