Chapter two

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she just fucking punched me. my head is throbbing in pain. I didn't know Tate could punch that hard. and now I'm sitting with her in Coach Miller's office waiting for him to start talking.

"What the hell is the deal with you two?" Coach Miller asks

me and tate both keep our mouths shut. what does Coach want to hear? that the fight was about which of us 2 is the best at soccer? because if i tell him that right now we get the whole lesson about that we are a team and it's not about your individual talents but the team's talents. because you can only win together.

and I don't really feel like hearing that whole story again.

''i was being annoying so i deserved it'' i say

Tate is looking at me really confused about what i just said. To be honest, I don't quite understand what I just said either.

i think you guys need to stop with this hole hating game. you both are excellent players but you have to do it together. a fight is really not going to help,'' says coach Miller

a hate game? I never really thought about it that way. it's really not that I hate Tate Hilton. i just really like to be a bitch to her. because she gets angry so easily. i love to test her a little bit.

''I think it's best for everyone if you Tate apologize to Callie for punching her. and Callie you should say sorry for annoying her'' Coach Miller says

well i'm really sorry for annoying you Tate. i didn't know that it got you so mad'' i say while Tate knows well i don't mean it

I can see that Tate clearly has a hard time saying sorry which of course only makes me enjoy it more.

"Callie I'm sorry I punched you," Tate says so softly I can hardly hear it

"I'm sorry what? i can't really hear what you are trying to say'' I say with a grin

"I'm not fucking saying it again Callie," says Tate irritated

okay the part where i said i don't really hate Tate Hilton definitely doesn't apply the other way around. she wants to kill me if she gets the chance. but too bad for her she doesn't know what kind of family I come from. my father is the biggest mafia boss in New York. I don't particularly like that he is but I don't have many other choices. my mother is completely drawn into what my father does. it's all about the money for them. they hardly have time for me. for me the mafia is a kind of separate world where my parents live. I want to deal with it as little as possible. and my parents also keep me out of it as much as possible.

believe me when i say i know what my parents are doing is wrong. killing people for a little money isn't exactly the definition of good. but it is the definition of what my parents do. even though I have nothing to do with it I feel guilty for everything my parents do. because it's not really the life I asked for but I have no choice. I don't live the same life as most girls my age. girls like Tate. I imagine Tate living a perfect life. her parents are very rich in a normal way. not the rich kind like my parents. and don't know much about her. but if I could trade with someone's life. it would certainly be her life.

"okay you girls can go now" coach Miller says. Tate walks out of the office ahead of me. despite the conversation just now, she can't resist making another comment.

"I hope your black eye doesn't get too bad, that doesn't go well with your blue eyes," Tate says while holding back a laugh

"sure Tate whatever" i reply. I'm not really in the mood to start another fight. the other girls on our team had been instructed by Coach Miller to get started on their own. Me and Tate are not allowed to participate in this training as a punishment.

I only had 2 lessons today. I don't think I could have lasted more with my headache right now. I can't wait to go home. I walk towards my car and I see Liam running after me. Liam is my older sister Harper's boyfriend.

"Callie wait" he yells

i wait for him to get to my car. Me and Liam are pretty good friends. he's the only person who knows my dad is a mafia boss because harper told him. I talk to him about it regularly and he understands my feeling quite well.

"I was going to ride with Harper but I can't find her anywhere and she's not answering her phone" he tries to say while trying to catch his breath

"Do you want me to call her?" I ask

''no i thought maybe i can ride with you at least if you plan to go home'' he says with a smile on his face  

''of course get in'' I say laughing because he is so out of breath

as were driving I see out of the corner of my eye that Liam is looking at me.

"What happened to your eye?" he asks

''it's nothing, i just bumped into someone in the hallway'' i lie

Callie you know i can clearly see when you are lying. did somebody punch you?'' Liam asks concerned

''Okay i'll tell you the truth, i got hit by a ball during soccer practice'' i say laughing. i'm not going to tell him that his ex-girlfriend punched me because i was annoying her.

''If you want i can take a look at it. just to make sure you don't have a concussion'' says Liam

Liam's parents are both doctors. that's why he knows so much about it. my headache is getting worse and worse so it probably wouldn't hurt to have someone take a look at it.

"I would appreciate that very much" I say while smiling at him 

once I got home I put all my stuff on the kitchen and sit on the couch. Liam sits down next to me.

"Okay I'll do a general checkup to see if you're okay," he says as he gently presses against my eye.

Harper isn't home. i have no idea why she isn't picking up her phone. i guess she is just going out with some friends

"that ball must have hit you really hard because you defenitley have a concussion," Liam says while still doing tests.

''Did you fell on the ground after the ball hit you?'' he asks

"yeah but i could stand up immediately" i tell him

"okay that's a good sign" he says while smiling at me

at first i didn't understand what my sister saw in Liam. I thought he was just an asshole after how he broke up with Tate. but now i kinda understand. He is a sweet boy who genuinely cares about the people around him. who genuinely cares about me. and when it comes to his looks he has always been lucky in my opinion.

"well it was a nasty hit but I think apart from the headache you'll feel better soon" Liam says while grabbing me a glass of water

he gives me the glass of water and sits next to me on the couch.

"Harper told me you still don't have a boyfriend" Liam says while looking me in my eyes

''no i just haven't found the right guy for me i guess'' I say while taking a sip of my water.

"Eventually you will meet him. but then you have to stop getting balls against your eye because a black eye doesn't look good on you'' he says while laughing

"Owh shut up you jerk" I hit him against his arm

we're both laughing. i really enjoy spending time with liam. he can always make me feel a little better. and believe me, not many people have that quality.

at that moment I hear the front door open. it's Harper. she walks towards us.

"What happened to your eye?" she asks

before i can say anything Liam explains what happened.

"But don't worry she's fine," he says to Harper

Harper and Liam both go upstairs to Harper's room. I can guess what will happen there. that reminds me that I haven't had sex with a boy in a long time. something needs to be done about that. I call my friend Chloe and tell her we are going out tonight. let's have some fun

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