Chapter thirty nine

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I feel her staring at me as my hand slowly disappears into her pants. She holds my other hand with her hand. She holds my hand tightly. She holds my hand like I'm a part of her, and if she let go she'd lose a part of herself.

It's like she's afraid to let go of me right now, afraid I won't be hers completely.

"I promise I'll stay." I tell her. She turns her head towards mine and I see a little doubt on her face. She doesn't fully trust me yet. Which I understand after everything I've said and done to her.

But I love her, and I want to do everything I can to show it to her. I want her to trust me, I want to be the first person she tells things to, I want to hear when she's excited about something, I want to hear when she's sad about something, I want her to share her emotions with me. I want to be her person.

"You are all I want Cal." Maybe I haven't really let it show the past few days, but today the realization came. I can't live without her. I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but falling in love with her is the best thing that's happened to me in recent times.

I love everything about her. I even love the things i used to hate about her. i love her smile, especially when she tries to hide it, i love her crazy nonsense talk, i love her eyes because they are so blue when the sun shines on them, i love it when she bites her lower lip when she's mad, i love how she can make every day my favorite day, just like she is doing right now. And I'm far from done falling in love with her.

She smiles at me because she realizes I was lost in thought. "I'm sorry I was thinking about something else."

She tucks my hair behind my ear. "I think it's cute." I'm still sitting with my hand in her pants the same way I did a few minutes ago without doing anything. "Now I'm really going to finish it." I smile at her as I say that.

She pulls my hand out of her pants. "I'd like to save that for another time." She gets up from the bed and pulls me with her by my hand. "Come on let's go."

I look at her confused. "Let's go where?"

"You'll see, come on." she has an exciting look on her face. I smile doubtfully at her. I get up and follow her out of the apartment.

"Callie it's late where are we going?" I ask her as I get into my car. "I'll tell you where to go, okay?" I look at her again to make sure she knows what she's doing, but I've never seen her more confident than this.

I start driving and I follow exactly the way she tells me. "Stop right here." I stop the car and park it on the side of the road. I look around but I don't see anything I recognize.

"Where are we?" She opens the car door without saying anything and I follow her. We stop in front of a house. She looks at me smiling.

"It's kind of creepy standing in front of someone's house in the middle of the night." I tell her. Without saying anything, she walks towards the front door of the house and opens it.

"Callie what are you doing?" I stop in front of the door for a moment because I still have no idea where we are or whose house this is. "Come on follow me." She says to me when she looks back and sees that I'm still standing at the door.

"I promise it's okay." She walks in and turns on all the lights in the house. I look around and I see Callie sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Whose house is this?"

"Okay look, I know myself that I don't want anything to do with my family and what they do, and I feel like you share that feeling with me, don't you?"

I move over to her and sit in the chair across from her. ''Yes that's right.''

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