Chapter eleven

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When I got home from school I immediately went to the doctor with my mother. she looked at my ankle and said it was nothing serious. she stitched up my knee too. it was a nasty fall but in the end the damage is not too bad. the doctor said I can work tonight. as long as I don't lean too much on my ankle.

I notice that during the car ride Callie suddenly showed interest in me. She's never interested so why now suddenly? I feel like she's been trying to contact me more and more since yesterday. maybe my plan is slowly starting to work after all.

I have Emily's party tomorrow. she's in my soccer team. almost the whole school is invited. Callie too. I hope I can talk to her a little more at the party. I ask Philip to take me to the donut shop. While I'm getting ready I hear the doorbell ring.

"Wait a minute, I'll be right there." I yell

When I walk to the counter I look straight into her eyes

Callie Grey

what is she doing here? is that why she asked where i work? to stalk me?

"omg, I didn't know you had to work tonight." She says while I can see on her face that she knew I had to work tonight.

''Can I help you with something?'' I ask just like I do with every customer.

at that moment I hear the doorbell ring again, I see that half of the Football team enters. they sit down in their normal place. Jason walks towards the counter.

''the 2 hottest ladies of our school in 1 room with me in it. it seems like a dream"

I see Callie roll her eyes at Jason.

"Excuse me I was talking to her," Callie says as she pushes Jason aside.

"Callie, I appreciate you coming all the way here for me. but I'd like to talk to Tate alone for a minute,'' Jason says to her

"yeah sure you do, but like I said, I'm talking to her"

"Fine, let me know when it's my time," says Jason and he walks back towards the rest of the boys.

''Are you coming to the party tomorrow night?'' Callie asks me.

"why are you here Callie? you've never been here before"

"I'm waiting for Chloe, me and Chloe are looking for a new place . and you just happened to tell me about this donut shop this morning"

"You can pick a spot, I'll be right with you."

just as Callie walks towards the table by the window, Jason walks over to me.

"I heard about your accident at practice. are you okay?" he says while smiling at me.

out of the corner of my eye I see Callie watching me and Jason the whole time. is she in love with jason or something? can't she even take it anymore if I talk to someone she likes?

''I'm fine. the doctor has already looked at it''

''Don't you need a second opinion?'' he asks, looking back and smiling at the rest of the boys.

"Is this a game to you?" I ask him

"Is it to you?" he asks me back without answering.

"You can't ask my own question without answering it first"

"Well, normally this is a game for me, but it's different with you." says Jason

''You definitely say that to all the girls'' I say while I continue with my work in the meantime.

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