Chapter forty

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We got into the house even faster than we got out of the car. I close the front door behind me and I push her back against the door. I push against hers with my whole body and start kissing her neck.

"Oh god I've been waiting all day for this." I look at her as she licks both of her lips. My lips press against hers faster than she has time to respond. the feeling of her tongue against mine causes an intense tickle in my stomach. She sure as hell knows how to make me feel like that lucky girl she promised to make me feel.

I don't know where or who taught her this, but the things Liam said about Tate after they broke up, about having sex with her, were definitely not lies. She is indeed fucking amazing at what she is doing right now.

The first time I had no idea what exactly I was doing. I just felt like a virgin again. Tate, on the other hand, seemed to know exactly what she was doing.

Just like now. She knows exactly what she's doing. She knows exactly what to do and where to touch me to make this as amazing as possible for me.

"Tell me what you want." She says to me.

"Take my clothes off."

She laughs at my reaction. "I hoped you realized by now that that was going to happen anyway." She moves her hands under my shirt and slowly moves it up. I put my hands in the air so that she can easily take off the shirt. She grabs my waist with both hands and switches our positions. I am now facing the door as I feel her whole body pushing against me from behind.

She unclips my bra with one hand while her other hand stays on the same spot on my waist. "Take it off."

I slide the straps down my shoulder and slowly remove the bra. I feel her breath against my shoulder. Her breathing is slow and steady compared to mine. She makes me feel like I can hardly breathe.

"Turn around." Without hesitation, I turn to look at her again. Her eyes move from mine to the rest of my body and a big smile appears on her face.

"I still can't believe you're mine." I respond to her by kissing her passionately again. I can still feel the smile on her face through this kiss. I free myself from the position against the door and walk towards the stairs. She follows me and stops me again in the middle of the stairs. She starts kissing my neck again. I move myself up the stairs as she does too with our hands over each other full body.

I don't know how but on the way to the bedroom her shirt and bra came off too. We are now both half naked in the doorway of our bedroom. She pushes me against the door and kisses me like she's never done before. Her hand moves towards the strings of my sweatpants that I'm currently wearing. She pushes me on the bed to take off my pants while I do the same to her.

I lie on the bed and watch her climb on top of me, but instead she takes my hand and lifts me up off the bed. I look at her confused. ''Where are we going?''

She grabs my waist and turns me to face her. Instead of answering my question, she kisses me and slowly pushes me back. I look behind us and I see her opening the door of the bathroom that is connected to our bedroom with her other hand.

"Have you ever had sex in the shower?" She asks me as she lets go of me and walks towards the shower to turn it on. She takes off her last clothes and gets into the shower. I watch her as the water slowly flows all over her body. The bathroom fills with steam. "Are you coming?" she asks as she sees me staring at her.

''Soon i am.'' I say with a grin after which I take off the rest of my clothes and join her in the shower. I was standing next to her under the stream of water. The warm water slowly warms up my body. I stand in front of her and I feel her mouth against the back of my neck. Her lips move towards my ear.

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