Chapter thirty

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What the hell did i just walk in on? I know Tate is just trying to be nice, but she hasn't known Brooke for 24 hours. I don't understand how you can be so close to someone.

I had an argument with Liam earlier this evening. Tate saw us outside. Tate probably thinks I was mad at him for sleeping with Chloe, but that's not the case. Today I overheard some of his friends talking about how they would all like to fuck Brooke, and Liam apparently thought it was really funny too because he was laughing really hard. I just told him it's not normal to talk about girls like that.

And he wouldn't accept me commenting on his behavior because then he did indeed involve my fight with Chloe. That boy is so childish sometimes.

I walk out through the crowd of people. I need to get some fresh air. I walk towards the bench on the porch and lower myself onto it. There's no one else outside. I hear the door of the house open behind me and I see that Tate has come after me.

"That wasn't what it looked like." She says to me as she sits down next to me on the couch.

I don't know why but I'm jealous anyway. I know it was just a hug, but I don't trust Brooke. I'm not going to let Tate know I'm jealous, of course.

"Tate there's no problem if you're close to other people." I tell her like I don't care. I just don't look at her when I say it.

"Why did you fight with Liam?" I knew she saw it, but I don't feel like telling her the whole story. I just want her to leave me alone for a while.

"I don't really know anymore."

"Stop lying, if you had a fight because you feel bad about Liam being with someone else please just say so." She leans back and exhales deeply. She is clearly annoyed.

"Why are you out here if you think I'm lying to you? Then just go back inside."

"No Callie, I don't understand how you want me to communicate with you if you don't give me anything in return."

"I'm literally telling you it wasn't about me feeling bad about Liam being with someone else, what more do you want to hear from me?" I feel myself getting more and more annoyed by the situation.

"Stop being so rude." She says to me. "Look Callie, we argue and we fight but then we talk about it so we can avoid this." She half turns to look at me. ''Learn to accept that and we'll talk further.'' She gets up to go back inside to the party.

I exhale irritated by her reaction right now. "And you think I'm rude?"

She turns and I look straight into her brown eyes. "Stop being a bitch, if you feel like shit please don't take it out on me."

"I'm not being a bitch." I slowly drop my head to the side. She has no right to call me that because she's the one who doesn't listen to me.

"yeah you are."

"Fine, i'll show you how much of a bitch i can be, then we'll talk further"

She turns and walks back towards me. "Stop this behavior of yours. What is your problem?''

I exhale laughing at the irritation I feel. "I don't feel anything for Liam anymore, and you don't believe me. That's my problem."

"Well maybe because I can't think of any other reason why you had a fight with Liam."

I close my eyes and exhale. I know if I stay here any longer I'll say things I'll regret later. I shouldn't let my emotions take over right now.

"Whatever, I'm leaving." I get up from the bench and walk towards the front of the house. I hear Tate is coming after me. Can't this girl leave me alone for a few minutes?

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