Chapter thirteen

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I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. i cried. i cried in front of callie.

I feel like I can't breathe. I am in total panic. I miss him so much. I walk towards an empty classroom.

I throw my bag on the floor and sit against the wall. I try to relax but I can't. I can't control my breath. i cry uncontrollably. i want my brother.

I hear the classroom door open. I see Liam standing there. I haven't spoken to Liam since our break up. i hate that he is here.

''hey, what happened?'' he asks as he puts his bag next to mine and sits across from me on the floor.

I can't answer. I can't answer because I can't breathe. I've never felt this way before.

"focus on my breathing okay. just look at me and breathe with me," he says

he grabs my hand. I feel his heart beating.

"Can you feel my heartbeat? focus on that. count how many times my heart beats in a minute"

I start counting. his heartbeat has a steady pace. I feel my breathing slowing down. counting his heartbeat helps.

"How many times?" he asks to make sure I counted.

"66" I answer

"Are you feeling any better?" he asks

"yes, thank you for your help" I say as I let go of his hand

''Would you like to skip classes for the rest of the day?'' he asks as he walks towards his bag and hands me my bag.

"We can go somewhere to eat. We haven't spoken in a long time," he says.

right now it doesn't even sound like such a bad idea. I have to distract myself. and Liam is the only one who can take care of that right now.

''sure, why not'' I walk with Liam towards his car. we drive to our favorite restaurant where we used to eat often.

we sit down at a table by the window. we order the usual. for me the pasta with salmon and for Liam the hamburger.

''I missed this. I missed us'' he says after our order has been taken.

"We haven't talked in so long," I say while smiling at him.

''I was an asshole after we broke up. I'm so sorry. I've done things I shouldn't have done. I should have just been honest with everyone," says Liam

"Yeah, you should have," I say

"Did you hear that me and Harper broke up?"

''I didn't just hear it. I also saw it when you were kissing her sister''

"Yeah, I shouldn't have done that. it's really over between me and Callie now''

"It was indeed a bit selfish of you," I say

we ate our food. Liam drove me home. I didn't expect it but I had a nice day with him.

. . .

I am packing my bag for the trip. Madison will be here in 5 minutes to pick me up to drive to the airport. I am really looking forward to it.

I hear Madison honking outside. I gather all my things and walk out.

When we arrive I see Coach Miller and a few girls already. I don't see Callie yet. I have agreed with my father that I will further expand my plan on this trip. I should eventually succeed and now I have all the time.

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