chapter six

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I look up in shock. I see Chloe standing in the kitchen. Chloe is looking at me as I lie half naked on top of Liam. It's not an ideal situation, of course, but I'm so glad it's not Harper in the kitchen.

"i thought we were going out but i guess you changed your mind" Chloe says

i look up at the clock. it's 10:00 pm. shit i totally forget. i was supposed to pick her up at 9

"I'm so sorry I totally forget" I say while looking for my shirt

Seriously Callie with Liam? I expected a little better from you'' says Chloe

''hey no don't act like this is all her fault i'm the one who started this'' says Liam

guys stop yelling at each other my sister is gonna come downstairs i say while handing liam his shirt

"okay well Callie i'm leaving are you coming or not?" Chloe asks

"Yeah let me just grab my stuff" i say. I have to go with her or it means I'm left here alone with Liam. and i can't handle that right now.

I get into Chloe's car. the second i close the door she says

"what the hell were you thinking? he is your sister's boyfriend. You shouldn't try to get in between."

"I know okay it just happened out of the blue"

"yeah right Callie, i know that you can give a guy sex by only using your eyes. but of course that wasn't the case wasn't it?''

i really don't know how to react to that. i know i did a horrible thing. but now i can't turn it back. And I don't know if it's ever gonna happen again.

''i promise you it will never happen again'' i say ''can we please just go?''

we arrived at a club about half an hour away from my house. as I walk in I feel the music vibrate through my whole body. Chloe screams in my ear that she is going to get us a drink. I can certainly use that. me and Chloe are in the middle of the dance floor. the DJ plays our favorite songs. we are dancing and in the meantime we have already had quite a few drinks. while Chloe is gone to get us another round of drinks, 2 guys approach me.

"hey what's your name?" one of the guys asks

"I'm Callie and my friend you just saw is called Chloe" i reply

''hi Callie nice to meet you my name is Ben and this is my friend James''

I can barely understand Ben because the music is so loud. but I think he's asking if we need a lift. Me and Chloe have both been drinking so driving home ourselves is not an option. one of ben's friends could give us a ride.

Chloe takes a seat next to Ben's friend. Me and Ben are in the back of the car together. I tell Ben's friend where to drop us off. as we drive Ben tells us that he is the captain of the soccer team at his school. we talked about soccer all the way back home. i really like talking to Ben. i like talking to him so much that i forget about Liam. when we arrive at my house i can see that my sister's car is gone. she's probably taking Liam home. thank god.

I walk towards the kitchen. I see my father in the living room having a busy meeting with 2 men I've never seen before. I don't know what it's about but even though I don't want to hear it I hear one of the men talking loud and clear.

"Maybe you should ask your daughter Antony, I think she's our best chance," he says

why the hell are they talking about me? who are these men and why are they trying to involve me. Dad knows I don't want anything to do with it.

"I know we don't have many other options but Callie is my daughter. I can't put her in danger."

I'm relieved to hear dad say that. but I'm curious what's going on. what could they need me for? I think tomorrow I'll ask Dad what the conversation was about. but now i really need to go to sleep.

the next morning I get up in time so that I can still run before school. Whenever I need to put something out of my mind I go for a run. and a lot is going through my mind right now. I've been thinking about Liam all night. but most of all I've been thinking about Dad's conversation. I have so many questions that Dad can probably answer after school. but for now I have to get ready in a minute so I can get to school in time for soccer practice.

I put on my training clothes at home. I put my long brown hair in a high ponytail and put on a little bit of make up. I text Chloe to ask if she can pick me up.

once we get to school me and Chloe walk straight to the Training Fields. I hear there are some girls in the locker room already. when I open the door I see Madison, Daisy and Lara. I don't know how they do it but they are always early. as I put on my shoes the door opens. I see Tate Hilton walk in. as i look at her she gives me a quick look back. it looks like she is afraid of something.

''Afraid you're going to lose Hilton?'' I ask with a grin on my face

she looks at me but says nothing back. what's the matter with her? normally she would have reacted a long time ago. but now she just walks on without saying anything.

"I think you should watch what you say before you get another black eye," I hear Madison say from the other side of the locker room.

"Wow you got funny overnight" I say sarcastically back to Madison

as the rest of the team walks in I notice that Tate still hasn't said a word. clearly something is going on. normally Tate talks to everyone except me.

as we walk towards the field, I walk towards Madison.

"Did you notice anything strange about Tate?" I ask her

"No why?" she replies

"I don't know I notice she's quiet today"

"Maybe if you're that worried, you should ask her yourself."

"I'm not worried about her"

"Okay then you should also stop pretending" says Madison with a grin on her face

Coach Miller is already waiting for us on the other side of the field. he is preparing some exercises. we lost the game on Friday. coach miller is probably going to give a whole explanation about how we should play better together first. that is the main ingredient of winning.

"Girls, come and stand in front of me," said Coach Miller

oh no, here we go again.

"When I watched the game on Friday, I didn't see a team playing. listen girls I'm glad you all want to show what your qualities are. but on the field teamwork is the most important quality. I always say that you can have a whole team full of good players but if they don't work together the team is worth nothing.'' he says

''we'll start with some simple exercises, make a group of 4 '' he says

I make a group of 4 together with Chloe, Mia and Emily. as me and Chloe talk about last night I see Tate coming towards me.

"if you're here to punch me again could you please hit the other eye?" I say sarcastically

"I just want to say sorry, I should never have punched you. you didn't deserve it," Tate says

Now i'm sure. there is definitely something going on with Tate. she would never come to me on her own and say she's sorry. I didn't even know Tate knew what regret was. usually she always has something to say to me. but now she's anxiously standing in front of me to say sorry.

"Your apology is worth nothing now" I say

I can see the disappointment in her eyes. did she really mean it? no that is not possible. she would never do that.

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