Chapter Thirty six

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I see Tate and Madison walk away behind me towards the locker room. I didn't even realize there was anything going on between the two because my knee hurts so much.

Tate had told me before practice to watch out for Madison. I just didn't get what she meant, but I guess I found out the nasty way.

This won't be playing football for me for a while, that's already clear. I can hardly even walk. I'm still not exactly sure what happened to Tate this morning. She was so upset I thought I'd better leave it alone instead of attacking her with questions.

We have decided together that we will stop with our fathers plan. It's a quick change indeed, but Tate really doesn't want it anymore. She was so shocked by what had happened. All I had been given was a man and a gun, but I don't know how it all fits together.

Coach picks me up and walks with me to his office. He sits me down on the couch in his office, grabs an ice pack and puts it on my knee to keep it from swelling too much.

"I've asked Madison and Tate to come here because I want to know how this could have happened."

Oh no that's bad news. Tate and Madison in the same room as me having just been fighting over me, I think.

I see the door open and I see Tate walk in first. Her eyes meet mine and I see her looking at my knee with concern. I shake my head at her to indicate that it is not good. I can see it making her angry again.

Madison comes after her. They both take their seats across from Coach Miller.

"Tate let me start with you. How many times have you been in here because you did something that is not acceptable?"

I see Tate next to her looking at Madison who has a small grin on her face because she thinks Tate is going to get most of the blame.

''More than should be necessary coach.''

Coach's eyes move from Tate to Madison. I still don't really understand why I have to be here right now.

''And what the hell were you thinking? You can't tell me you really thought it wasn't going to hurt Callie. You came in with both legs at the same time."

"I really tried not to hit her." Madison looks back and puts on a fake smile. "I would never hurt Callie on purpose."

"That's bullshit and you know it!" Tate is so angry right now. I want to tell her that it's not necessary and that it's okay, but that's not possible right now.

I hear a phone ring. Coach Miller looks at his phone, then looks back at me. "The doctor is coming, you can wait outside on the bench while I go back to the team. Ladies you stay here I'll be right back."

Coach supports me towards the bench that is just outside the office. I barely manage to peek inside to see that Tate and Madison are having another argument. If I concentrate on what they are saying I can hear what they are saying.

"It's so childish to hurt someone on purpose Madison."

"It sounds like you're mostly mad about the 'Someone' in this case."

I can't follow exactly what is being said, only when they start talking louder.

"Are you still going to tell me there's nothing between you and Callie?" I hear Madison say. Coach still hasn't come back and I'm still waiting outside.

"Madison I swear on everything Callie means nothing to me."

I know she's lying, I know she just doesn't want Madison to find out, but her words still make me feel something. An annoying feeling in my stomach that just won't go away. Maybe because I have indeed meant nothing to her for a very long time, and that that has suddenly changed is not quite in my head yet.

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