Chapter twenty eight

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I do the exact opposite of what he asked me to do. I'm in his house, kissing his daughter. to whom I just told her that I love her.

I never expected this. If you had told me a few months ago that I was going to have feelings for Tate, I would have said you were crazy.

But here I am anyway. And I don't feel bad about it.

"We shouldn't be doing this here." She says between our kisses. I know she's right, but I can't stop. Her hand slowly begins to slide up the back of my leg, all the way up my my thigh, around my hip and up my waist.

I love my body when she touches it. I respond to her by stroking her leg with my finger. It slowly feels like every muscle in my body no longer knows what it is supposed to do. She stops the kiss and moves her head back. I close my eyes because she makes me so nervous I can't look at her.

I feel her tilt my face up to look at her. Her hand slowly trails all the way up my back until she's touching the back of my neck. It feels like her hands leave marks on every part of my body she touches.

"Tell me to stop." She says to me. I open my eyes to look at her. I slowly feel her lips against my neck.

I don't want her to stop. I want her to touch me forever. I don't know why I didn't find out earlier that girls are much better at this kind of thing.

To be here with her feels like living and dying and reborn, all at the same time. She gently kisses my jaw towards my mouth.

"I can't stop baby." she whispers against my lips. I feel the vibration of her voice throughout my body. Those few words are so much more beautiful when they come out of her mouth. She can probably make any word beautiful.

"Then don't stop." I whisper back to her. I know what we're doing is wrong. But neither of us can help it. Maybe we should go somewhere else before we do this again.

"We need to go somewhere else." It's like she just read my mind. She gets up and I follow her. She walks towards the front door and grabs the handle with her hand. She just won't open it. She stops at the door with her back to me.

"What are you doing?" I ask her. She turns and looks into my eyes. I see a grin on her face.

She takes my hand, turns me around and pushes my back against the front door. Her whole body is pressed against me, so I can't move.

Shit, that's hot

Before I know it her tongue is already in my mouth. She places one hand against the front door behind me and the fingers of her other hand are digging into my waist.

Her hand moves from my waist to my stomach and slides down my leg. Her other hand moves from the door under my shirt. Her hand slides under my bra.

I moan softly at the feeling of her cold hand on my breast. She knows exactly what she's doing to me. Her mouth moved back to my neck. She kisses my neck and sucks gently, making me feel a sensation coursing through my veins.

"I don't think it's fair," she says to me. Her mouth is back on my jaw. She gives soft kisses between every sentence.

"I don't think it's fair for him to hurt you." She says. I feel her lips brush against mine. I shake my head, meaning I don't want to talk about it, but of course she's not listening. It's still Tate we're talking about. She doesn't like when people tell her what to do.

Her mouth invades me again. She doesn't even give me room to talk back. Her mouth is warm and her tongue is even warmer. It makes soft whimpers escape from me.

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