Chapter twelve

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I didn't stay long at the party yesterday after what happened. I was pretty drunk so I kissed Liam again. I really need to stop doing that. otherwise more people will find out. Tate already knows.

when I walked out I saw Jason and Tate standing together. i just thought they were having a good time together until i heard tate scream. I did help her. but she just shouldn't have gone out with him like I told her.

I have to stop with Liam. and focus on Tate. my father will be so disappointed in me if I don't succeed. and I definitely don't want that.

I've decided to go to the donut shop again tonight. I'll go with Chloe this time, but I just need to talk to her for a second. it wasn't fair of me to blame her for what happened yesterday. Jason is the problem.

but first I'm going to see Liam. I'm going to make it really clear to him that it has to stop. not just because I don't want to do it to my sister. but also because I really don't want it anymore.

he's a nice guy, but i never see myself building a real relationship with him. so this what we are doing now has to stop as well.

I drive to Liam's house. on the way I think about how best to tell him this. I don't want to hurt him.

I knock on the door of his house. Liam opens.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" he asks.

"I need to talk to you, can I come in?" I ask back

he lets me in. I walk to the living room and sit on the couch. Liam sits down next to me.

"Liam, I know I've been giving you the wrong impression lately. but I want us to end'

''why? where did this come from?" he asked confused

"I know it's never going to work between us," I say back. I don't want to go around it too long.

"Is this about Harper? or did Chloe say something to you?"

"No they have nothing to do with this"

"Is it because Tate saw us?" Callie I swear I don't have feelings for her anymore'' he says as he grabs my hand.

"I know Liam. It's just that I don't want it myself'' I say

"Did I do something? Or do you have someone else?" he asks

I can't keep having this conversation like this any longer. he just needs to understand that I don't want it myself. I just want to get out of here as soon as possible.

"No I don't have anyone else, but I just don't want it anymore. I'm meeting Chloe. I have to go''

Me and Chloe drive to the donut shop together. as I park my car I see Tate through the window.

but I see another person, it's Jason and the other guys on the football team.

Me and Chloe walk in. I tell Chloe to find a place. I walk towards the counter where Tate is standing.

as I want to say something to her I hear from behind me that Jason is coming.

"Tate can I talk to you for a second, I want to say sorry," he says

"No thanks, I'm working," she replies.

"Tate I was drunk and I didn't mean it that way. I thought you wanted it too'' he adds

"Mhm, as if she hadn't made it clear she didn't want it," I say. I can't stand how Jason victimizes himself.

''this is none of your business. this is something between Tate and me. can you please leave?" he says to me

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