Chapter eighteen

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It has now been 2 days since Tate challenged me. I like a nice challenge but I'm not such a fan of this one. She tries to do anything to make sure I lose.

and believe me, she does. For the last 2 days she can do nothing but look at me all the time. I just don't look back. I made a deal with myself not to look back. That would only make things more difficult.

She's right about what I told her. I said I didn't want what we had. My father would kill me if he found out I've been feeling this way lately.

He's been mad at me ever since he found out I'm the reason Liam broke up with my sister. When he found out that I had caused his plan to fail, he got even angrier. So he definitely can't find out about this.

Now I just have to prove to her that I have it in me. I have to prove that I can control myself. Even if she makes it so difficult.

I feel her eyes burning into my back. Normally I would have said something about it a long time ago. But I think it's better to leave it alone. even though I can't focus on anything else.

We have extra practice for Friday's game right after school. So I know I'm going to see her again.

I walk with Chloe towards the locker room. I see everyone is already inside. Even Tate.

As I walk in I see her looking at me from head to toe. She tries so hard to make sure she wins. I have to promise myself I won't fall for it.

Everyone has already finished and walked towards the field. I still have to put on my shoes.

"I can see you won't last much longer."

Fuck. it's Tate. of course it's her. She just wants to be alone with me because then she knows she's going to succeed.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say as I continue to put on my shoes without looking at her. She gets up and walks towards me. I get up to walk past her but she pushes me back against the wall.

"I'm not used to you being so shy." She says. I know she does all this on purpose. She would never do this. I'm the one who would do such things. Not the other way around.

"You know I really do hate you." I say. She really needs to stop now.

"Yes I know, it's turning me on," she says. I feel her hand around my waist. Her face is getting closer to mine. I feel her lip gently brush against my ear.

"Is it turning you on?" she whispers in my ear. She looks back at me and I see a wide grin on her face. I hate how she finds this so entertaining.

I feel my breath getting heavier. She's really testing me. I feel myself getting weak.

"Huh? I asked you something darling.'' She says while her other hand also landed on my waist.

''Shut up''

''make me''

I can't do this. I can't keep this up any longer.

"Fine, you win" I press my lips against hers. She pushes my back against the wall of the locker room. Her hands are gripping my waist, and my hands are gripping her neck.

Her tongue slides between my lips and into my mouth, and I take it. I Take it because I craved it. She groans and pushes herself against me. My hand slides up her neck through her hair. Her hand slides up under my shirt and her palm meets my stomach. I pull myself back because it feels cold.

We're kissing again. But her definition of kissing and my definition of kissing are written in two different languages. She gives me everything. It's making my head spin.

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