Chapter eight

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as I walk down the hall to my next class I can't think of anything else about what Tate said would she say sorry to me? she hates me right? I can't imagine why she would do such a thing. I walk to my locker to grab my books.

"Callie can I talk to you privately somewhere?" I hear a guys voice behind me.

shit it's Liam. I totally forgot. I haven't seen or spoken to him since what happened between us.

I really don't feel like talking to him about it right now, but I know it has to happen anyway. I just need to make it clear to him that it can't happen again. and that he should just stay with my sister.

Liam takes my hand and leads me to a storage room.

"I'll break up with her," Liam says as he closes the door. "I'll break up with her so I can be with you."

"No Liam you can't do that. she loves you. you are perfect for each other. I don't want to ruin that.

"Listen Callie I want this. I want you. and i can't stay with your sister if it means i can't be with you'' liam grabs my hand. "Do you want this too?"

honestly I don't know. the night we kissed i felt so much for liam and i wanted nothing more than this. but now I don't know if I want this. he is the complete picture but maybe not for me.

"I don't know how to respond to this Liam, you are my sister's boyfriend. we can't do this'' i say

"We both want this Callie. why should we let Harper stop us?

"she is my sister Liam, i just can't..."

Before I can finish my sentence I feel Liam's lips on mine. I grab his face and he grabs my waist. our guilt collides while our mouths collide. my skin feels better when he touches it. my hair feels better when he touches it. my mouth feels better with his tongue in it. everything feels better when he's around me. i wish we could live like this. but it doesn't work.

the moment that thought goes through my head again I push Liam away from me.

"It's not going to work between us Liam" I say as I open the door behind me and walk out.

. . . 

I went to Chloe's after school to work on our school assignment. i feel like she is still mad at me because of what she saw when she came in yesterday.

''if you have anything to say please just say it'' I say while looking at her seriously.

"Callie you have to do what feels right for you, only Liam Parker isn't right for you. and you know that yourself. Didn't you hear what he said about Tate Hilton after they broke up?

"Of course I heard that. and I'm sure it will never happen again. I can't do that to Harper."

''okay, then it is good. you know I just want the best for you Cal.'' says Chloe as she grabs my hand.

"I know, I can't thank you enough for that." I say while smiling at her.

despite trying to concentrate on the school assignment all I can think about is my dad's conversation yesterday. I need to know why those men called my name for an assignment.

"Chloe I have to go home soon, dad is waiting for me"

"sure, i'll finish this and if you hand it in we're done"

"okay great" i reply

As I walk towards my car I can't think of anything but what my dad is about to tell me.

I have no idea what's going on. do they need me for something? should additional measures be taken for my safety? it could be so many things.

as I drive into the driveway at home I see my father waiting for me outside. it is clear that he also wants to tell me what is going on. he has this look on his face which i don't like. especially not in this situation.

''sweetheart, do you have time to have a conversation inside?'' he asks when I walk towards him.

"Yes of course, I have a lot of questions dad after what I heard last night." I respond

when I walk in after dad I see mom and the 2 same men as yesterday sitting together at the dining table.

"Sit down Callie," my mom says

I have never seen my parents so serious. and those 2 guys don't exactly look happy either.

"Callie, you have to understand that what we're going to ask you isn't an ideal solution to our problem, of course, but it's the only solution. the 2 men you see here have been working for me for a very long time. they have been keeping an eye on the enemy family lately,'' says my father.

I don't know what's coming but this can't mean anything good. normally my father would never involve me in such things.

"I know you are the only person who can handle this Callie. you are tough and reliable. that's all we need to make this plan work.'' adds my mother

"What the hell are you talking about? what plan?" I respond while I'm completely confused.

one of the men begins to tell the plan. I can't believe they are actually asking me this. it sounds like they have been preparing this for months without me knowing anything about it.

"No Dad, I'm not participating in that, I've always told you I don't want anything to do with it. I don't even know her. how do you want me to be able to make her fall in love with me. and besides, i'm not gay. I can't pretend I'm in love with a girl.'' I say while looking at mom and dad.

Look Callie, I knew you were going to react that way. but we don't have very many other choices. they only have one daughter so I can't give you many other options. I can't ask Harper because she has a boyfriend. you are the only choice Callie'' says dad.

"Callie I know it's none of my business. but you really are our last hope. the other family is up to things you don't want to find out about. we just need some information so we can stop this war. and to be able to walk away with the profit,'' says one of the men.

I can't believe they ask me this. how does my father think I am responsible enough for this. i would be responsible for my families life.

''Callie you have to understand if you don't want to do this voluntarily that I have to give you an order'' says Dad while I can see in his eyes that he doesn't want this either.

is he joking? he can't force me to do something for him that i don't want can he? I thought it didn't work that way. but apparently in our family it does.

"She goes to the same school, so it shouldn't be hard to get in touch with her," Mom says

wait, she goes to the same school? who can this be?

"Who is it?" I ask nervously

"I don't know if you know her. she is part of the Hilton family'' says one of the men.

Hilton? do I know someone named Hilton?

oh fuck no, absolutely not.

"Tate Hilton?"

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