Chapter five

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i'm shocked

so many things are going to my mind right now.

Callie Grey, daughter of a Mafia boss.

of all the people in our whole school, she is the last person I expected. i had no idea for all these years that she is living the same life as me.

I have so many questions that I know I'm not going to get the answers to right now. there is also no room for questions or doubts at this point. I have to complete my father's assignment. even though it's not what I want. i have to save my family.

I have no idea how to handle this. hitting on guys had never been much of a problem. But with girls it's different. I don't like girls like that. and out of all the girls it's also Callie. that girl hates me. she hates me as much as I hate her. this is an impossible task.

why does my dad think i can handle all this. he has never involved me in anything and now I have to do something that could endanger the whole family. what if it goes wrong? then it's all my fault. I cannot take this responsibility. I'm going to tell my dad I'm not doing it.

but then what should we do? it is the only solution. I am the only solution. why couldn't callie grey just be a boy. then everything would be so much easier. I can easily pretend to like a boy. but I don't want to think about pretending to like a girl.

''are you okay baby'' says my father as he enters the room.

''how do you want me to handle this dad'' i ask him

"Tomorrow is just the same day as any other day. just try to talk to her'' he says calmly

''i don't think i can handle this kind of responsibility dad''

"I know it's scary Tate. but you're the only person i can think of for this task. we both know you have the looks. and your really smart. i completely trust you. just do it your way'

dad gets up and walks out of my room. at the door he looks at me for a moment '' i believe in you Tate ''

i'm really starting to freak out at this point.

focus tate

I must have a plan. a plan to make Callie Grey fall in love with me. i can't believe i'm about to do this

the plan seems very simple. first I have to apologize for the way I've behaved over the years. and I definitely have to apologize for yesterday. maybe I should start with that? When I apologize for yesterday, it doesn't come across as pushy.

I have to work in small steps. no sudden moves. I have to walk up to her at school tomorrow and just simply say I'm sorry I hit you and I'm sorry you have a black eye.

okay yes I know it sounds very sarcastic but it is at least a first step. i feel like i'm already nervous to talk to her tomorrow. i mean nothing really has changed anyway. she's still the same Callie, only now she's the daughter of a mafia boss.

something in me feels a kind of fear for Callie. normally i can say anything i want to her because it didn't matter if i offended her. but after Jacob, I know what her family is capable of.

i think it's better if i go to sleep now. I probably won't be able to sleep anyway but it's worth a try.

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