Chapter twenty-two

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Her eyes finally find the courage to meet mine. I try not to see her. When i really look at her, it's too much. Every time i'm with her, her eyes and her mouth and her voice and her smile find every vunerable place inside me to breach.

Everytime i'm around her i have to fight it. I want to love you Tate, I want to love you so fucking much it hurts.

But I don't know if I can. I don't even know what I'm doing here anymore. I'm sitting here next to her without really knowing what I want to say.

"I shouldn't have stayed here." I tell her.

Really Callie? Is that all you could think of?

she immediately looks down at her feet. I can tell my words hurt her. I can't allow her back in. I know it will hurt her even more if I have to push her away.

She takes a breath and looks at me again. "You earn way more than what you're allowing yourself to have." She stands up and turns to walk towards her car. I watch her walk away.

"You're a god damn idiot." I hear someone say behind me. I turn around and see Liam standing there. What is he doing here?

"Callie, it's clear that you and Tate weren't a one-time thing."

He looks at me. "Why aren't you going after her right now?"

Because I hate this feeling. I hate all the feelings she brings out in me. It's all the feelings I don't want to feel.

"Why would I do that?" I ask him as I walk towards my own car.

Liam laughs loudly. it's the kind of laugh that says, You're a god damn idiot. But he already said that. He just wants to make it clear again.

I get in my car and slam the door in front of him.

"If you don't want her, just let her go."

I open the car door again because I can't stand him interfering. "You know she's better off."

Liam chuckles, nodding his head. "That's for damn sure."

"Okay so if you agree with me what are we discussing?"

''I don't agree with you. I just know that you feel as much as I do that running away from her isn't the solution."

I close my eyes. I wish I could close my ears because I don't want to hear it. I close the car door and drive off.

. . .

I can not sleep. All I can think about is my conversation with Tate and my conversation with Liam afterwards. Maybe Liam is right after all. Maybe i am an idiot.

I don't even know why I waited outside for her. I didn't even know what to say to her, but after talking to Liam I know so much more.

At this point I know exactly what I want to say to her. I want to tell her now too. I get up from bed. I take a shower and brush my teeth. I put on just enough makeup to make it look like I have no makeup on. I fix my hair to make it look like i didn't fix my hair at all. I still hate that i care so much.

I walk downstairs and get in my car. I drive to Madison's house. I park my car on the other side of the street. I grab my phone and text her

Hey, are you still awake?

It takes a few minutes to get a response.

yeah why?

Come outside.

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