Chapter fifteen

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Liam is reaching around me to the cabinet. his hand that was first on my lower back is still on me. but as I turned to see who entered the kitchen, his hand had slid to my waist.

I see Callie has entered the kitchen. she is making 2 drinks. she pretends not to care about us at all but I see she's watching us all the time.

"I need a glass for my beer," Liam says as he places his hand on my ass to reach the cabinet.

''pretty sure you're not going to find it in her pocket'' I hear Callie say.

her eyes are burning holes into the part of me that Liam was just touching.

"Since when do you drink beer from a glass?" she asks Liam.

''since Tate was standing so close to the cabinet.'' he says with a flirtatious smile.

I hate that they talk about me like I'm not there. I'm willing to leave so the two of them can do what they want.

Liam doesn't even try to deny it. he thinks i'm into him.

Callie walks over to the refrigerator and opens it. "I thought you were broken up"

I look at her. she stares into the refrigerator. her hand squeezes the door handle.

Liam looks at me. he looks at me from top to bottom. "Do you want to go upstairs?" he asks me.

Callie slams the refrigator and walks towards Liam. "You've had your chance with her. you ruined it. accept it and move on'' she says

Liam takes a step closer to Callie. "it sounds to me like this isn't really about acceptance to you"

my heart beats in my chest. I feel guilty for giving Liam the wrong idea and even more guilty for him arguing with Callie about it  now.

Liam walks away. He clearly has no interest in this. "You know where to find me Tate"

"You're not going to do that," Callie says as she turns back to me.

"I can decide that myself. besides i have standards'' I say back.

I see her biting on the inside of her cheek. is she seriously so jealous of me talking to liam?

"If you want him, you can have him." I tell her.

"I don't want him"

"What's your problem?" I ask

"I don't want him to hurt you again," she says.

it definitely works. she is definitely falling for me. but if I go along with it now, she'll suspect me.

''we kissed once Callie, that doesn't make us girlfriends'' I tell her and I walk out of the kitchen. she grabs my arm to stop me.

"then why the hell did you kiss me?"

I can't tell her the real answer to this. I have to come up with a lie. but what is a good reason?

what? don't you remember what I'm talking about?" she adds because I'm not saying anything.

''I just wanted to try it out, kissing a girl'' I say

"And I was the first person you thought of?" she says

I don't know how to respond to this. she keeps asking questions that I can't answer. I have to get out of here.

I pull my arm free and walk towards Madison. She is dancing with some other girls from the soccer team.

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