Chapter twenty-one

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I just picked a fight with her. Because I have to talk to her. And the only way to be alone with her is if we have to go to Coach's office.

She's mad at me. She has every right to be mad at me. I should never have listened to my father. I regretted it the moment Dad got her out of my car.

I helped her get out. Dad quickly figured out that I had something to do with her escape because the key to the garage had been used. Dad is very angry with me too. He kicked me out of the house and I'm living with Madison now.

"Girls, I don't know what to do with you two anymore. I can't kick you off the team because we just simply need you. But there really has to be a different solution to this problem.'' Says coach.

Me and Callie both remain silent. We do know that Coach is right.

''I think it's best if we invite both your parents so we can have a conversation with them about this.'' Coach adds.

That is perhaps the worst solution you can choose. I feel like I have to laugh a little bit at the idea in my head.

I look at Callie and I see she's thinking the same thing. She bites her lower lip with her teeth to hide her smile. I hate when she does that.

"What seems to be so funny?" Coach Miller asks in a serious tone.

"I think it might be better for me and Callie to talk it out together." I say because I realize Callie isn't going to say anything herself.

She looks at me. It's clear she hates the idea. But at least it's better than the other solution.

"Fine, I'll finish the training and you stay here. Make sure it's over when I get back."

Coach Miller walks out the door. It's dead quiet in the office. I can only hear my own breath and Callie's. She refuses to look at me.

"Callie I'm sorry I never should have done it." I can't stand the silence any longer. She still doesn't look at me. She doesn't even seem to have a reaction to my words.

"Callie please, can we please talk about it?" Still no response.

Callie just say what you think. I'd rather you get mad at me than ignore me.'' I can't have this conversation on my own.

"You had absolutely no right to do it." She still doesn't look at me. I'm just glad she responded at all.

"you're absolutely right. I never should have..." I say as Callie interrupts me.

"I don't even live with my parents anymore. I can't live with them anymore because of what your father said to me. It ruined our family'' She turns her head to look at me. But all I see is Anger. She hates me right now. More than she ever did.

"My dad kicked me out of the house for letting you out." I tell her. I don't know why I'm pretending to be the victim.

"That's your fault." She says. She is right. It is indeed my own fault. But it still doesn't feel quite fair.

"My whole family is mad at me because I cared too much to see you suffer there." I tell her.

"Perhaps you should have thought more carefully about the consequences."

I hate her reaction. She's absolutely right, of course, but I still hate it. I don't know what else I can do to make her forgive me.

"What do you want me to do Callie? What do you want me to say to you? I don't know what else I can do."

Silence. Deadly silence.

"You can't do anything. I want you to leave me alone."

Her words are hard for me to swallow. I try to push away all thought telling me I can't. She hates me. She really hates me.

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