Chapter thirty eight

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I know she's trying to test me. She's a bitch to me just like she used to be. Okay, I understand she's angry. I also know that I should have told earlier that I knew her brother personally.

I did use it against her sometimes which was maybe even dumber because I didn't want her to find out, but she found out anyway as always.

I just don't know what she's trying to do right now. She's mad at me but not mad enough that she doesn't want to talk to me at all. When I went to see her in the parking lot later, she was certainly not happy to see me, but she took me anyway.

And now she's sitting here asking me questions about Liam. Liam is the last person I want to talk about right now. I don't understand why she always gives him so much attention. As a result, he just keeps on doing what he is doing.

I asked her questions back about Jason, but I think that just made her angrier. I don't understand why she thinks she has the right to know things about me when I can't ask them the other way around.

"Do you think Liam is good in bed?" she asks me.

"Why don't you judge it for yourself?"

"Because I'm asking you the question." She slowly tilts her head to the side. "So what's your answer?"

She's just trying to provoke me right now and she knows that very well. I'm just playing along with the game she's playing right now.

''On a Scale of 1 to 10?''

She nods her head softly.

"I give him a 6." And when I say that, I'm not lying. I know a 6 isn't very high but you really can't give Liam more than that.

''A 6? What isn't he doing right then?" Her hand slowly moves towards the inside of my leg again, where she gently presses her fingers and holds it in that position.

"What do you give him then?" I ask her own question back.

"Let's be honest you can't give him more than a 5." I feel how she gradually increases the strength of her fingers so that she squeezes my thigh harder and harder. It gives me a tickling feeling in the lower part of my stomach.

"What isn't he doing right then?" I ask her back her own question again.

"He just doesn't know how to touch a girl." She pushes her fingers more and more firmly into my thigh. The feeling in my stomach continues to increase.

"Well, most guys don't know that." I tell her. I look down at her hand on my leg. I feel her staring at me.

"Eyes up here Grey."

I move my eyes from her hand to hers and stare into her eyes for a while. She makes me nervous and I don't know why.

''Has a boy never touched you properly?'' She asks me while she keeps looking at me. Her hand slowly moves back up just like before, but right now I'm not doing anything about it.


"Good thing i'm here right?" She smiles at me, showing that she's in control right now. I hate when I'm not in control, but with her it's okay.

She moves her lips to mine but doesn't let them touch. She brushes her lips softly against my cheek, so softly that I hardly feel it. She shifts her weight over me and moves closer to my ear.

"Do you want me to show you how it's done?" she whispers in my ear as her hand moves over my waist. she circles my stomach with her finger, which gives me goosebumps.

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