Chapter twenty

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I'm getting ready to go to school. This weekend was Noah's party. It was fun until Tate suddenly made that stupid move.

I don't know what she wants to achieve. Does she want to show everyone that she can have any guy? Everyone already knows that so I don't understand why she wants to make it clear with her ex.

I feel like she definitely did it to annoy me. And Liam, of course, just went along with it. She only has to look at him once and he is sold.

We start the day today as usual with soccer practice. So I know I'm going to see Tate again. I hate that it makes me nervous about seeing her again.

I went after her after the party. I told her not to play games with Liam. But really, I just didn't want them to become anything again.

I don't want to be with anyone right now, including Tate. But I also don't want Tate to be with anyone else.

I walk alone towards the locker room. I see Tate walking alone in front of me. Madison must still be sick after the party.

I follow her into the locker room and see that no one else is there yet. It's just the two of us.

I put my bag on the couch and exhale irritated. I'd rather be here with anyone in the world than with her.

"Do you have something to say?" she says to me. She sounds even more annoyed than I am.

"I think it's a pathetic act of yours at the party." I tell her. I better just say what I think. She can also know what I think of it.

'''oh shut up. I'm not going to talk to you about this."

"Because you only talk about this with your best friends?" I say. I know she hasn't talked to anyone about it. It was just an unnecessary thing.

She leans against the wall and slowly looks up at me "I certainly don't need to talk to you about it, because we've never been friends."

i can't explain what happens to me, because i don't really know either. But it seems like every single things she ever said and done impales me all at once. I want to scream at her. I want to hate her. I want to know what the hell happened to me that made me feel this way.

"Have you become such a bitch since your brother died?" I say. It might be the dumbest thing I can say. It's the worst choice out of everything I can choose from.

"Don't" She says. The word is a warning. A threat.

"Fuck you!" I yell at her. I turn and exit the locker room. I don't want to be in the same room as her any longer. As I walk towards my car I hear her coming afer me.

I walk towards my car door and open it, but her palm meets the door too and she slams it shut. I close my eyes. I prepare myself for whatever words are about to come out of her mouth.

"What the fuck is your problem?" She shouts at me.

I laugh, because I don't know what else to do. I turn around and look at her. She doesn't back away. She's so much more intimidating right now than I've ever seen before.

"You are full of shit Tate" I yell back at her. I push against her shoulders but she won't move. Her jaw tenses. She is so furious right now.

She can do whatever she wants. I'm done trying.

At that moment, it seems as if something flipped inside her. It seems like all her emotions have been sucked out of her. She grabs my arm and leads me to her car.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I say to her as I'm pulled along. "Let go of me Tate!"

I get no response from her. Nothing at all. She opens the car door and pushes me in. I hear the door click shut. It's locked. I can't go anywhere.

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