Chapter Thirty two

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Where does she get the nerve to talk to me like that in class? She literally called me a bitch in front of everyone.

I walk with Brooke to my car. Brooke went after her too. I don't understand why she would do that.

"What's going on between you and Tate?" she asks me as we get into the car. I don't know what Tate told her, but it probably won't be good.

"We just don't like each other." It's not that I'm lying, because me and Tate didn't like each other for a very long time, and she still makes my blood boil sometimes, but I might forget the detail that we both admitted that we love each other and now we're fighting again.

"Yeah i'm not buying that, you guys talked outside the whole time at the party. I wouldn't do that with someone I don't like."

"She just wanted to know something about soccer practice."

"And that took half an hour to explain to her?" She has every right to doubt this. The story makes no sense.

I don't know how to answer her question. I don't know what to tell her at all at this point.

''Are you guys dating? If so, just say it." I don't even know if me and Tate are dating. Did we ever actually date? We never talked about it that way together.

"I don't know." I say. Because I don't even know the answer to the question myself.

"You don't know if you're dating someone?" It's weird if you don't know something like that, but with Tate I just really don't know.

"Look Callie, there's no shame in being into girls too, I've told people years ago and everyone's fine with it."

I didn't even know Brooke was bisexual, but she clearly can't stand the fact that I won't just admit that I am.

''Do you like girls too?'' She asks me because I don't respond to the things she said before. I don't even know why I'm having this conversation with her right now.

"Because I really fucking like you Callie, and if you can't even admit that you have feelings for Tate, then I don't know if I want that energy in my life from a person."

Of course I have feelings for Tate, but I'm not going to discuss that with her here.

"I like you too Brooke, but I can't control how I feel about everyone around me right now."

"I thought we had a real thing Callie, but apparently you just can't make choices." She opens the door and gets out of my car. What the hell just happened? Did Brooke just tell me she thought there was something more than friendship between us?

I really like Brooke, just not more than friends. And I would be very sorry if I gave her the wrong idea.

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong to everyone right now. Everyone is mad at me because apparently I can't make choices. Chloe won't talk to me anymore,  Brooke just walked out angry too, and Tate won't talk to me either. I think that's mostly because I don't talk to her anymore either but she just shouldn't have said it.

The moment I want to drive away, someone opens the door of my car and gets in. It's Liam. I don't know what he's doing here because he's mad at me too.

''What the hell are you doing?'' He asks me as he closes the door and we sit in the car together.

''What do you mean?''

"I just saw Brooke get out of your car upset, I don't know what went on between you and Tate in class, but you need to get your shit together Callie."

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