Chapter ten

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i'm taking her home right now. i need to spend as much time with her as possible. as stupid as it sounds I need to bond with her. if I want this plan to succeed without being noticed, I have to change my behavior in small steps.

I can't suddenly start being nice to her. she would immediately realize that something was wrong. wow who would have thought that? Tate Hilton daughter of a Mafia boss. she was the last person on my mind.

I don't know how I couldn't have seen this. I know exactly what this life looks like. I should notice if someone else is leading the same life.

I don't know much about Tate. All I know is she's on my soccer team and she can be a bitch. I don't know anything about her personal life. what does she do in her spare time? does she have siblings? does she have a good relationship with her father? does she work somewhere?

I really have no idea. it's not like I ever asked. i need to find out more about her.

"Do you work somewhere? I ask to break the silence

she looks at me confused. ''why do you want to know that?''

"I was just wondering"

"I work at the donut shop downtown"

"The donut shop the Football team always goes to?" I ask

"yes that one"

"Do you talk to the guys on the football team sometimes?"

"they always talk to me"

I don't know why but I don't like the idea of Tate talking to the football team. because Liam is the captain of the football team. I don't like it when she talks to Liam. especcially because she is his ex girlfriend.

"Are you still talking to Liam?"

"Where are you trying to go Callie?"

I know I told Liam it's not going to work between us. but that doesn't mean I forgot about him.

i still like him. and if he wasn't with my sister we would have been together a long time ago. he likes me and i like him. but it is something impossible.

"He's a good friend of mine. I was just wondering," I say

"No, I'm not talking to him. he's never there"

thank god

"then, who are you talking to?'' i ask

"Jason talks to me a lot"

I don't like that either. a few years ago I had a huge crush on Jason. I did hook up with him a few times but nothing serious as he always told his friends he was more interested in Tate. is he still trying with her?

"Is he still trying to get you on his list?" I ask

"Definitely," she replies

''are you going to do it?''

I don't know why but I don't want her to do it. maybe because I've already done it.

"If I were you I wouldn't do it" I tell her

"I wasn't planning to"

"Good" I say to close this topic

"Would you care?" she says suddenly

"Care about what?" I respond.

"Would you care if I did do it?"

what? is she asking me if i would care if she did something with jason? why does she want to know?

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