Chapter nine

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I feel a hand go over my mouth from behind. it feels like i can't move. I should have just listened to my dad. I should have just called Philip to pick me up.

"Tate Hilton, what the hell do you think you're doing?"

wait, I recognize that voice. I recognize that voice very well.

"dad, you scared the shit out of me" I say as I turn around and see that the man in the long coat is my father.

"How many times do I have to make it clear to you that I don't want you to walk down the street alone at night? says my father

''You can say that in a different way instead of with a gun to the side of my head'' I say as I angrily walk away from him.

"Tate you have to understand I can't lose another kid to that son of a bitch, and believe me Antony Grey will take you if he has to."

"I don't care what Antony Grey does. you just have to leave me alone. I'm so tired of you." I say. I don't normally talk to my dad like that. but right now all the anger is coming out.

"Get in the car Tate," my dad says as he opens the door for me

"No thanks, I'd rather walk"

"Tate I'm not going to say it again"

"I'm not coming with you, and now you can get mad at me, but right now you and your whole life are in my responsibility. so I do what I want." I say as I walk away from his car

"Fine Tate, but trust me, I'm not here to save you if Antony Grey gets you." "I don't know why but that sentence hurts me. it is and will always be my father. he is meant to make me feel safe. but right now i feel anything but that.

. . .

the next day at school we start the day as usual with soccer practice. I walk to the locker room with Madison.

"Tate, can I borrow you for a minute?" I hear Coach Miller ask from behind us.

''yeah sure'' I walk with coach Miller to his office.

"Tate, I think you can guess why I want to have a chat with you. I hope you understand that I do not accept what happened last training. You can't just walk away and not come back when I ask."

I'm sorry coach, I had a shitty day. I shouldn't have taken it out on the team''

"I think it's good that you realize that what you've done isn't okay"

"I know coach, it won't happen again."

"ooh and Tate before we go back to practice, Callie came to see me yesterday. she told me that she noticed that something was bothering you and asked if I could talk to you about it'' says coach

She did what? Did she seriously go to the coach to say I was having a shitty day? What does she want to achieve? That I get kicked off the team?

"So is there something bothering you Tate?"

"Nope, I'm all good. Like i said, i just had a shitty day''

As I walk towards the dressing room I see that almost the entire team has already gathered outside on the field. I quickly go inside to change.

"You're late Hilton," I hear another voice in the locker room.

I turn to see Callie sitting still tying her shoelaces.

You too, everyone is already on the field. At least I have an excuse'' I say while grinning at her

"Have you had a conversation with Coach Miller about your behavior from the last practice?" I'm guessing he wasn't so happy.'' she says as she fills her water bottle.

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