Chapter thirty four

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I'm taking her back home. We talked, we talked and we made rules. It may sound childish, but I think it's the only way to make this work.

"Will you be there tomorrow?" I ask her while I park the car in front of her house.

"Of course, I wouldn't want to miss it." Tomorrow we have an important game, and it's important that me and Tate are both in top shape.

"Get some rest okay?" I know I need her on the field tomorrow. And I also know that getting enough sleep is the most important thing for her.

"I'm going to sleep right away mom." She says sarcastically with a smile on her face.

''See you tomorrow.'' I smile back at her.

She closes the car door behind her and walks inside. I'm driving home. I haven't been there in a while, but I still miss it.

I miss my sister most of all. Me and my sister have always had such a good relationship. Until she found out why Liam broke up with her.

I go down the hall and I see that the lights in the kitchen are still on. I walk into the kitchen and I see my father sitting in the kitchen with someone else. I can't see his face very well because of the reflection of the lamp.

"Hey little Grey."

I take another step forward and I see his face clearly now.

Mr. Hilton

I look at my father confused and a little scared. "What is he doing here?"

"Nice to see you too little Grey." He says sarcastically. Tate is exactly like her father. They both make the same annoying jokes.

''Callie don't freak out. I asked him to come here." My father says. "Could you maybe sit down for a second?"

I don't know what's going on, but I don't feel like talking to either of them right now. "I have an important game tomorrow, I better get some sleep."

"It will only take a few minutes." My father pushes a chair back for me, forcing me to join them at the table. "Why is he here?" I ask again as I take a seat next to my father.

"We want to discuss some things with each other." My father says.

"So this war between you is now officially over?" I ask my father. I don't understand why they suddenly act like nothing happened.

"No, but a new war is being started right now by another family, and we think if we work together we can beat this family."

Work together? Do I understand him correctly? Is my father sick? I don't understand where this is suddenly coming from.

"Sorry what? And you both think this is a good plan?"

"We don't think it's a good plan, but it's the best plan." My father says.

"Does Tate know about this?" I ask Mr. Hilton.

"Yes, I discussed it with her a few days ago. I also asked her something else that we also want to ask you."

Tate already knows about this? I thought we'd be honest with each other from now on, but apparently Tate still can't.

"What more do you want to ask?" I ask my father.

"I want to make sure that if something ever happens to me, or if I can't continue in a few years, that I have someone who can take over for me."

"Absolutely not." I say to my father as I try to get up, only my father stops me. "Let me finish."

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