Chapter twenty six

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I did it. As Hard as it was I looked her in the eye and said I could never love her. I saw her break inside the moment I said it. And the look on her face really broke me.

Without realizing it, I started to care more and more about her. I also feel terrible that I saw her leave like that. I wanted to tell her, but I know my sister would be in danger.

He just called me. He lets Harper go. She's probably terrified, but luckily she's safe.

My father now also gets what he wants. He gets Harper back. I've always noticed that Harper was the favorite at home. She was always just a little better than me at everything. And Mom and Dad always encouraged her more. I was always in the background.

But I've never felt it as bad as I feel it now. My dad has no idea that I've made sure Harper is safe right now. He's never going to thank me anyway.

I deserved what he did to me. If I had just listened to him and stayed away from Tate none of this would have happened, but I know if the tables were turned he would never do it to Harper.

I just don't understand how I managed to make such a mess of everything in such a short time. It wasn't even that long ago that my dad asked me to make Tate Hilton fall in love with me.

I only found out later that she had been given exactly the same assignment. I don't think either of us want to admit that we both succeeded.

I know Harper is back home, but I don't want to go home and check on her. I would like to never go home again. I know I'm just making things more difficult for my parents.

I drive towards the donut shop. I'm going with Chloe in the hope that Tate isn't at work. I can't see her right now.

I walk in and scan the whole room. I can already see Chloe sitting in the corner by the window. The football boys including Liam are also in their usual place. I look at the people who are working, but luckily I don't see Tate.

I walk towards Chloe. I sit in the chair across from her.

"Callie what the hell happened to your face?" I totally forgot to cover the bruise. I have to come up with a lie quickly. I hate lying to her.

"I fell because my shoelace was loose." I tell her.

I can clearly see that she doesn't believe it, but she changes the subject herself. I hear the doorbell ring. I look towards the door and see Tate walking in.

So she has to work tonight. I feel so stupid that I didn't realize that. Tate walks in and I see Jason get up to walk over to her. I can't hear what he's saying to her, but she clearly isn't interested.

The conversation takes a long time. I see Jason slowly trying to get closer to Tate. I don't get how he doesn't understand that his chance is over after what he did to her.

"Why don't you just come too?" I hear him say to her. His hand gently touches the side of her arm and moves towards her waist. She's clearly not comfortable.

Where does he want her to come? What's on this weekend? I think if I have something planned. Suddenly I realize that this weekend is Liam and Jason's party. And Jason just invited Tate, too.

"I have to go to the bathroom" I say to Chloe.

I get up and walk towards the toilet which means I have to walk next to Jason and Tate. I hate how he treats her, but I know there's nothing I can do about it right now.

Tate looks at me as I walk by and ends the conversation with Jason. She walks towards the counter, so that Jason also goes back to his friends.

I sat with Chloe for a while. We haven't really talked to each other like we used to in a while, so we caught up on some time. I walk outside with her and I see that the boys are also following us.

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