Chapter seventeen

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She just kissed me. Not because her father had told her to, but because she wanted to. And I kissed her back for the same reason.

Ever since the night i kissed her in the pool i wanted this. And now she's walking away. She walks away from me along with my ex boyfriend. Who just called me a slut.

I don't understand why she would do this. she's the one who kissed me.

''Are you kidding me Callie?'' I call to her when she wants to get into Liam's car.

I walk towards her. I pull her out of the car. I take her by the arm and walk towards my car. I open the door and push her into the car.

I walk to the other side of the car and get in. She's in my car right now.

''You can't kiss me, and then just carry on like nothing happened'' I say as I slam the door of the car.

I can see she doesn't know how to respond to this. But that doesn't matter to me right now. she can't pull this crap on me.

"Look, if you are trying to play a game with me, you have to understand that I don't fall for acts." I add. I'm done with that constant mixed feeling she gives me. Besides, I don't know if I actually want this with her. In the moment it feels good only when I look back I see the person I hated all these years. which I still hate.

"Tate let me out of the car," she pulls the handle but I locked the car.

"Stop running from situations where you don't feel comfortable," I say, leaning over her to put on her seatbelt.

"Tate I'm not going with you"

"Yes, you're coming. we're going somewhere where we're going to talk about this because I can't keep this up any longer.'' I say. I can feel the anger running through my body.

I start the car and drive out of the parking lot. We are silent all the way. The only sound I hear is her irregular breathing. She's such a poser.

"Where are we going?" she asks. it sounds like she just spent all this time thinking about how she wanted to ask this question. She tries to hold her breath. She waits for my answer before taking another breath.

"You'll see." I tell her. not even a second after the words leave my mouth she gasps for air. Sometimes I don't understand what's going on in her head. I am very curious. I think this situation would have been much easier to understand if I could just see all of her thoughts.

Normally I'm good at this kind of thing. I can quickly see what people are thinking by looking at their behavior. But with her it is much more difficult. Everything seems more difficult with her.

I park the car on the side of the road. Her eyes no longer look out the window, but look straight into mine.

"Where are we?" she asks.

"We're not there yet." I get out of the car and walk to the other side to open her door.

I start walking towards the place I would like to show her. I look back and see Callie still standing next to the car.

"Tate I can't do this."

"You don't have to do anything you just have to come with me." I say as I walk on hoping she will follow me.

I take the key from my jacket and walk towards the door of the building we are standing in front of.

"What kind of place is this?" Callie asks me as she follows me through the door.

Philip used to take me and Jacob to this place a lot. The moment we were done with the bullshit at home, we could do what we wanted here without anyone disturbing us. This place actually describes my whole life.

"Here you can see who I am. everything you want to know about me can be found here. I understand that you're scared and that you can't do this with me, but please give me a chance to show that I'm not like my father'' I say. I walk towards her.

"Tate why are we here?" She asks.

"I just said that." I try really hard to make my feelings clear to her.

"If you already know it's not going to work between us, then why are we here?" She doesn't dare to look at me while she says those words. Because she knows that is indeed the truth. it will never work.

"Tate I want to find out things about your life but I don't want it in this forced way," she says.

''It's not going to work. I think we should stop whatever this is," she added.

I know it's the truth. I also know it won't work. But I can't lie to myself any longer.

"Do you really want it to stop?" I ask her. I don't want her to answer this question. I don't want her to answer because I already know her answer. And that she's right.

"Yes, I'm sorry," she says. She seems disappointed. Disappointed in herself at the moment.

"Okay but I don't think you mean it." I tell her.

She doesn't mean it. I can tell by everything she doesn't mean it. But she still walks towards the door to go outside again. She walks towards the car. I know this ride back will be even worse than the way here.

I drive back to school. She didn't say a word to me all the way back. But she didn't look away from me either. She just looked ahead without saying anything.

I park my car. I walk to the other side of the car to let her out. She gets out of the car. I put my hand against the side of the car so that she is between me and the car and can't move.

"Can i ask you a question?'' I ask her.

She looks at me. She looks at me with the same look I saw in her eyes when she said she really didn't want this. The look that shows that this is not what she really wants. She doesn't reply.

"How long after we stop this do you decide to call me anyway?" I ask with a small grin on my face.

"I'm not going to." She says. It's the most unbelievable sentence I've ever heard her say.

"Do you want to make a bet?" I say. Again, she can't find the words to respond to this.

''I say 1 week max'' I add. I see that she is looking for a way to escape from this situation. But she's still standing between me and my car and she can't move.

"You know what, I'll take the bet." She reaches out to shake my hand. "I don't know if you forgot Tate, but I always beat you."

There she is again. Bitchy Callie is back. I won't remind her how she swallowed her tongue a minute ago.

"You don't stand a chance of winning this." I shake her hand. I will also do everything I can to ensure that. I look at her and gently bite my lower lip.

"Don't do that," she says. she clearly sees that I am already making sure she will lose this.

"don't do what?" I ask her as if I have no idea what she's talking about.

"Do you think you're irresistible?" she asks me, still shaking my hand.

"don't you?"

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