Chapter sixteen

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I can not believe this. I really thought she had no idea. But I don't understand why she was so into it if she knew.

"Yeah, I knew it all along," she says.

"how do you know?" i aks her.

"My dad told me about it because I had to do something for him."

"What did you have to do for him?"

"I'm not going to tell you that"

i am really in shock. she knew about my family all along.

"Tate, what do you mean my family is responsible for his death?" I aks her. I don't know why she would say something like that. I don't know what happened.

"Your father ordered someone to shoot him," she says. she is crying. she tries to stop it but she can't.

what? no that can't be true. if it were true I would know about it.

"Don't try to pretend you didn't already know," she says.

"I had no idea Tate"

"Stop that innocent behavior of yours," she says.

I don't know what to say to her. I just discovered so much that I didn't want to discover. does she also know about my father's plan?

"Do you know everything?" I ask her.

"What else is there to know than that you are the daughter of a murderer," she says. she is clearly upset.

"well you're nothing better" I say. since it's all over now anyway I might as well make it clear that I know about her too. Now I finally know why she's been acting so weird lately.

"Why did you kiss me if you knew?" I ask her. I don't understand why she would do that.

"Because it was all part of my father's plan," she says.

oh my god. is this what i think it is?

"did he ask you to make me fall in love with you?" I ask.

"How do you know that?" she asks, looking at me in surprise.

"Because my father asked me the same." I say.

I see the realization appear on her face. she didn't know either.

I hear the locker room door open. I see some girls from the soccer team walk in. I walk away from Tate and get on with what I was doing.

. . .

I haven't spoken to Tate outside of soccer practice for the past 2 weeks. I told my father what happened. he was very angry with me. he couldn't understand why I would say something like that to her.

my sister i also still mad at me ever since she found out liam broke up with her for me. and that he is now chasing his ex again.

I feel like everyone is mad at me. i really screwed up. I disappointed everyone. I have dissapointed my family.

I have chemistry now. Which means I'm going to see Tate. She is in my class.

I walk in and see Tate sitting next to Madison. I walk towards the table past them where Chloe is sitting.

"What's the matter with you?" Chloe asks as I sit down next to her.

''what do you mean?''

"you just haven't been yourself lately"

"There's nothing wrong with me," I say

I look at Tate. she seems happy. I don't understand how she does that. she just goes on with her life as if nothing happened.

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