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Third Person POV

Class 3-A. There sat the 5 Geniuses but in the back corner by the window, there sat a particular white-haired boy with his red eyes staring out in the sky. Although people mostly ignore him, which he didn't mind at all. He was one of the smartest in the class, his academic and athletic skills were on par with Asano Gakushū, always tying up with him for first place. His red eyes scared people, well he could careless. His name? He is called Ketsueki Shiro.

Shiro's POV

This is rather boring... And here I thought my life would be more interesting if I attended this school but I guess not. I thought to myself. I sigh as the bell rings. I watch as students file out the room, and leave school.

"Ketsueki-san?" I hear, recognizing the annoying voice.

"What is it, Asano-san?" I say as polite as I could but didn't turn to look at him. Instead, I stood up and walked to the window, opening it for fresh air.

I could feel him stride towards me and he places his hands down on opposite ends, completely trapping my in between his arms.

"Even though you're a guy... Why do you intrigue me...?" He says as he wraps his arms around me.

"Ew! Get off me!" I say as I struggle out of his arms. "I'm sorry, Asano-san. I don't swing that way!" I say in disgust, "I don't have anything against your gayness, like I totally support gays and lesbians but I seriously do not swing the way they do!" I explained. "Well, if you don't have any further business. I'll take my-" I was cut off as he pulls me into a tight embrace. Which made me shudder in disgust and annoyance. I stretch out my legs and brought it forth to his crotch. He screams in pain.

"I said I don't swing that way!!" I scowled at him and left the classroom as he was crouching on the floor, in utter pain. Noticing the silhouette that had been watching us, run to the office to rat on me. I sigh, not caring about what they would do.

I completely shrugged off the incident as I exit the school. Then, I hear someone running towards me. It was my homeroom teacher.

"YOU! Come with me, right now!" He hissed, grabbing my arm as soon as he caught up and he dragged me back inside the school.

I let him drag me away, not considering to fight back in any way. Soon, we reach his office, he leaves me to stand in front of him and glares at me for a few moments. I stared back at him with a bored expression, and yawned.

"Ketsueki Shiro! Do you have any idea what you have done?!" He screeched. I cover my ears due to the piercing sound of his voice.

"Damn, teach. You sure you're a guy? Cause your voice says so otherwise." I said. An irk mark appeared on his forehead.

"You kick the son of the chairman of the school and now, you insult your teacher. Absolutely unforgivable!" He says, slapping me in the process.

"You hit like a chick, sensei~" I said as I gaze down on him, making him flinch. He sat back down on his chair.

"Anyways," he scowls, "Starting tomorrow you are going be attending Class 3-E. The 'End Class'." He smirks. "Have fun climbing your way back to the elites." He looked at me with an evil smile. I laughed.

"Oh, that's great! I couldn't stand the suffocating atmosphere of Class A anymore anyways!" He looked at me dumbfounded, "As long as I'm well away from that asshole's sexual harassments, then I'm all good! Is 3-E that classroom up in the mountains? It is right? Looks like I'll get more exercise! Enough exercise to beat up that brat Gakushū." I smirked as I exited the room, my eyes filled with excitement.

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