11th Period - wait...what?

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Third Person POV

The redhead male runs quickly through the alleyways, turning in every corner, in whatever direction his feet took him. A fear he once experienced and now it was back once more.
White locks flew wildly as the female ran with a newly discovered speed, like an animal, a predator chasing after its prey. Jumping from building to building, the air hitting her small frame in full force as she travelled. Bloodlust seeping out of every pore in her body, and as if on cue, her prey's scent came into light.
A devilish smile crawled into her usual childish features.
"Found ya~!" A sweet yet menacing voice came out the white haired female.

Yuuma POV

All of us had gathered around Akari's and Ritsu's desk, I glance back at Shiro's empty seat, wondering where she was.

"Where's Shiro?" Nagisa mused, voicing out my thoughts.

"If I recall, she mentioned something about going to the main building today." She answers, everyone tenses.

"Is he- I mean is she okay?" Hara asks, "You know, with the stuff that happened a few days back?" She mentions, reminding us all of the events that took place then.

"She should be f-" Suddenly, Akari tenses, stopping her from finishing her sentence. I notice at the corner of my vision, Karma, Nagisa and Itona, on high alert.

"Hey, you guys--"

"!!!" Then, I felt it. A murderous aura seeping in from outside. What the hell? Where is this coming from?

Akari POV

A nervous laugh escapes my lips as a bead of sweat rolled down my cheeks.

"Oh dear lord," I start, "Someone completely pissed Shiro off..." A smile creeping onto my face, I glance towards Nagisa, who was frozen in place.

I should at least ease of this tense atmosphere before someone pisses themselves.

"Hey!" I call to them with cheer. The students turn and look at me with bewildered eyes. "Wanna hear a story of when Shiro and I, went on a double date with Nagisa and Karma?" I could see the sparkle of interest in one of the females eyes.

"Okay, you got my attention. What is this intriguing information." Rio replies, holding out a voice recorder. I smile.

"Grab a seat, I'll make sure to make to tell you ALL the details~!" I wink at Nagisa, who in turn blushes, probably remembering just now about the said encounter.

"Before that, you might want to see this little proof, to make sure none of you think I'm lying." I grab my phone, turning to Ritsu.  The image of the young girl dispersed as it was replaced by a picture of Shiro sitting beside Karma as they shared ice cream together. Another photo pops out showing Akari and Nagisa holding hands, laughing.

"Ahh~ such youth!" I cheer.

"What youth? That was like a few years ago." Muramatsu snickers. I shrug at his comment, shaking my head.

"You, young ones could never understand." My comeback causes everyone to sweatdrop.

"Anyways, back to your little tale!" Rio urged. I give her an okay sign and began my overly exaggerated story of our wonderful double date.

~Time Skip~

"And then, I and my love, Nagi-kun kissed at the end of the date!" I squealed in delight.

A surprised Nagisa looks up, baffled. Quickly denying the lovely event, causing the students to snicker and nudge him with their elbows.

"What about Karma and Shiro?!" A cast a curious glance at Yuuma, who stiffened at the mention of both their names.

"Well~" I hummed, a devilish smile dancing in my lips. "Karma tried to kiss cute lil' Shiro, but of course failed to succeed." Karma sends me a glare.

"That totally didn't happen." He seethed. I smirk.

"The more you deny it, the more true it is, Mr. Akabane~" I teased. Students whistled, and patted the redhead's back in pity. He yelled at him them in anger, which caused them to smirk and tease him more.




Shiro's POV


I stood in front of the man, I called my father, cracking my fingers.

"Good morning!" I spat, my words coated with venom. The male stood frozen, eyes wide in fear. I scrunch up my nose, annoyance evident in my face. Trees rustling from all-around me, big rocks upon rocks, could be seen for miles. For the strangest reason, we had appeared at Class E's backyard.

"God, stop faking fear already."

"I'm not faking, for once I might just be absolutely terrified..." He answered with no distinct hesitation.

"Says the man, who didn't even hesitate; much less stutter." I rolled my eyes. He sighs.

"Sooo, how've you been?" He asks casually. I knew it, this butt is messing with me.

"Annoying because of your stupid ass prank." I growled. He shrugs. "Care to explain?"

"It was supposed to be a friendly prank?"

"Friendly my ass, you completely ruined my love life."

"I didn't think you'd believe it!" He counters.

"Did you not expect me to believe shit you say when you were in death's door?!" I snapped back, causing him to bit his lip.

"It was an unexpected outcome..."


"I'm sorry."

"Whatever." I repositioning myself, my arms crossing at my chest as I sat down cross-legged across from him. "So? Where were you the past month, Siryuu?"

"Finding out stuff." I arch an eyebrow.
"You know bout your past and stuff." I hummed.

"Amuse me." I say, waiting for what kind of information he had found.

"Well, I kinda found out that your Itona's sister?" He disclosed.

I scoffed. "That's it? How use...less..?" I stood up, dumbfounded. "Wait, what?"

"You're Itona's biological sister."

"...?!" Bushes began to rustle to my right, as I notice a bright blue hair sticking out.


MWAHAHAHAHAHA.. lmao sorry, please ignore my triumphant outburst.

Sorry bout, ya know, disappearing-ish for like months. I just had a sudden inspiration ya know? Like crazy!

I'm also working on another series, which I will post once I actually finish it. So, that I can actually post it regularly unlike what happening to this story. Hahahaha ~~

Thanks so much for staying and bearing with my horrible updating schedule.

You guys are an absolute motivation to keep writing. I actually have no idea what I wanna be in the future, so right now, writing is my escape!

Lots of love,
ReversePrince ⊂(˃̶͈̀ε ˂̶͈́ ⊂ )))Σ≡=─

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