23rd Period - Identity Crisis

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Korosensei had dragged the two young students back inside Akari's home to not further disrupt the neighbours. Everyone in the room has – of course – read the paper's contents. The laughter subsided after about an hour or so. The neighbours had thought they had gone insane because the police arrived and had just left a second ago, after checking each one of them for drugs or any alcohol intake.

They now sat around the the small table, filling up the couch all the way to its arm rests, while a few sat cross-legged on the wooden floor.

"Okay, now," Akari cleared her throat. "Should we find this person who bought us pizza and offered to give us money?" Rio shook her head.

"No way, it just screams suspicious." She leaned back on the wall, twirling the lollipop in her lips.

"Yea, yea," Karma says, snickering. "Stranger Danger right?" Nagisa raised his hand. Akari nods to him.

"What if...if it's that person who bought the school?" He mentions. "It's too much of a coincidence for all of this to happen in one day! We should look for this person. Plus," He looks to Karma, "did you not recognize the delivery man? He looked exactly like the man we met at the school!"

"Now, that I think about it..," Karma mumbled. "Nagisa's right. These two people might be connected." He stands up and looks at Akari. "Let's go." Akari sighs and nods.

"Fine but," She smiles and turns to Korosensei who was clearly forgotten and was sulking in the corner. "We're gonna need our uniforms. Now." She ushers the students and her teacher out the door.

"Get your training clothes on and meet back here as quick as you can. Go!" Everyone nodded and went their separate ways. She slammed the door and walked to her room, locking the door as she entered. "Now then, let's get this show on the road." She placed her palm on the side of her closet, a quiet whirring sound echoed in her room.

The closet slowly split in half, revealing a blue lit room. A large screen decorated the left wall. She grabs the black wig hanging on her closet door and fits it on. She reached for her left eye and pressed her finger on it lightly, taking off her coloured contact, revealing the blue orb – the same as her right. She smirks as the opening behind her began to close as she stepped inside the room.

"What is our first destination, madame?" She asked as the screen flickered alive. The screen flashed a bright light, words spreading across the screen.

"Mermaids Café," She breathed out with a sigh.


"Mermaids Café?" Nagisa questioned. Akari nods.

"It's a place, Shiro frequently went to – when she had the time, of course." She explained. His forehead was slightly red, a result from Akari bursting out of her house doors and slamming it square into the male's face. She didn't cling onto him like before but she still stood close to him, their shoulders occasionally brushing each other's.

Her phone buzzed, she takes it out of her pocket and scans the received text. "Karma and the others are already there. Let's hurry." Nagisa nods and the two dashed off down the streets.


"Why did you want us to meet here?" The door chimed as another customer walked in, students filled a corner of the cafe, each having a drink in front of them. Akari sipped her iced tea, her elbow propped on the table as she rested her chin on the palm of her hand. Her gaze settling on the woman in the counter.

The woman had shiny golden hair that was styled into a chic bob with her bangs swept to the left side. A bright smile swept across her cheeks as she tended to the current customer, her eyes flickered ever so slightly to the staring Akari. Akari's lips curled up. A hand suddenly obstructed her view.

"Earth to Akari!" Karma called as he waved his hand in front of her face. This shook off her dazed state and resumed to listen to the students she had previously tuned out. "What were you staring at?" He questioned. With a shrug, Akari pointed at the counter.


"Stealing is baddd!"

"Not that idiots," Akari mumbled as the last of her iced tea disappeared. "The woman. She used to be a colleague of Kiku-san." She placed the straw down the table and lifted the glass to her lips, letting the ice flow into her mouth. "There's a chance she knows where to look." She said as she crunched the ice in her mouth. She glances at Yuuma and tilts her head towards the counter, urging the male to go talk to her.

Yuuma points to himself, his head shaking in refusal. "No way! Why should I?"

"She likes ikemen," She replied simply.

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