5th Period - Flashback Time II

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|2 hours later - Amusement Park|

Karma's POV

"Do you want to go inside the haunted house?" I asked Shiro.

"Sure~" She said as she popped another lollipop in her mouth.

"You've been sucking on those these whole time?"

"They're delicious!" She takes another one out her pocket and passes it to me. "Try it." I took of its wrapper and put it in my mouth. I can't complain, it was actually rather tasty. Suddenly, she grabs hold of my arm as we entered inside the haunted house.

"Are you scared?" I ask as we walk through, our arms still linked together.

"Nope. But, it's entertaining." She said as she looked at one of the people dressed up in a costume.

"Hmm~" I put my hands in my pocket.

"Ah, there's the exit!" She pulls me towards the exit. "Ahh, the sun is blinding!" She complains as she shielded her eyes.

I start to play around with the lollipop inside my mouth as the two of us walk around.

"Ahh! I spot Nagisa and Akari!" She said as she pointed towards the ice cream stand. The two were holding hands and looked like they were having a great time together.

Snap! Snap!

I look to my side to see Shiro taking pictures of the two.

"What are you doing?" I ask her.

"Taking pictures obviously!"

"Well yea, but why?"

"It can serve as a great material for teasing!" She grins while she winked. I sweat dropped. She laughs as she saw my face. She put her camera away and pulls me towards the stand as the two left.

"Let's get ice cream too!"

"Okay, okay~!" I answered as I got pulled towards the stand. "Which one do you want? My treat." I say.

"Green Tea!" She said with a smile. I turn to the vendor.

"One Green Tea and One Vanilla, please." I say. The man scoops up a green-coloured ice cream and puts in on top of a cone and does the same for the vanilla ice cream. He hands the cones to us.

"That'll be 800 yen." I hand him the money. "Thank you!" The two of us head towards a bench, as we are our ice cream.

"Hey~ let me try yours?" I ask Shiro and she merely places the ice cream in front of me as we sat down on the bench.

"Here, try it!" I take a small bite from her ice cream.

"Hmm, it's good.." I say.

"Right?!" She said, showing off a proud smile.

Flash! Click.

"Heh~ I found myself a Shiro~!" I look up to see a tall man with long red-hair that was tied back in a loose ponytail. The next thing I see was Shiro jumping into his arms.

"Siryuuuuu!" She shouted as she hugged him.

"You know him?" I ask as I stood up, finishing my ice cream.

"Yea~" she said, letting go of him. "He's Kiku-san's husband! Siryuu, this is Akabane Karma, he's a classmate of mine." She runs over to my side. "Karma, that's Ketsueki Siryuu, my dad!"

Siryuu smiles. "Nice to meet you, Akabane-san."

"Karma is fine. Siryuu-san~!" I smirk. Siryuu puts his arm around my shoulder and whispered in my ear.

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