28th Period - Tricks upon tricks

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With the advantage of trekking up to their classroom every day. The students made it up the hill in no time.

"So, what are we doing up here again?" Maehara asks.

"Over here!" A voice they didn't recognize spoke up from behind them. Nagisa was the first to turn around and his jaw unhinged, dropping to the floor, speechless.

"S-Shiro?" Nagisa spoke.

"Pretty close, but not quite right." The now short haired female spoke. She smiled. "How was the little trip here? Did you enjoy it?" No one answers her questions.

After a few moments of silence, Karma was the first to snap out of the shocked trance. "If your not Shiro, then who are you?"

"Her sister, of course." She said with a giggle. "Older twin sister to be exact."


"Oh, she didn't know I existed." She explained. "I was kinda kidnapped when I was a month old, I think?" Amusement played in her red eyes.

"She's lying!" Kayano shouted, "That is Shiro, she's just tricking us like before!" She pointed a finger towards 'Shiro'. With a raised brow, 'Shiro' chuckled.

"Whatever you say, Kayano-san," she stated. "But, the Shiro you know is dead, like I said before. I'm not her. Not anymore at least." She mumbles the last bit under her breath as she smiled wryly.

Akari stared indifferently at the female in front of them. Her gaze falling away to the side and staring deeply at the ground, refusing to look at the fake any longer than she already has. Of course that was all an act, not that any of the other students knew other than her and this 'Shiro'.

"Well, shall we head to the next phase? You'll be one step closer to finding whoever you're looking for." Though, they are pretty close now, but they don't know that. Shiro smirked at this thought. She passes by Akari and whispers something as she walked, this didn't go unnoticed by Karma.

His eyes make contact with Shiro's and sent a glare towards her. Her lips curled upwards as she continued down the hill. "Follow me." She simply said, not bothering to check if anyone followed. Akari stared at the grass under her feet before she turned and followed the mystery girl.

Karma runs up beside Akari, tapping her shoulder. "What did she say to you?" He whispered in her ear. Akari shook her head.

"Nothing." Karma's brows furrowed.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," Akari turned back to see the entire class following, a small smile crept up to her face. She runs up to Nagisa, grabbing him by the arm. "Hurry before she leaves us behind!" She shouted and began running down the hill with Nagisa in tow.

"Be carefu—" Someone began but was immediately cut off by a loud snap. Akari stumbled forward, immediately she let go of Nagisa, her hands flying to the back of her neck and her legs tucking in to her chest as she rolled down the hill.

"Shit!" Karma ran and grabbed Nagisa's arm before he began to roll himself. "Akari!" A small shadow appeared catching her by the back of her shirt.

"Careful," the small voice said. This voice...who? Karma thought as his eyes wander to the white hair just ahead of them.


Akari's body stiffened at the voice. She'd recognize it anywhere, no matter what. It was her best friends after all. "Shi—"

"Shhh," the person clothed in black placed a finger to Akari's lips. "It's not my time to appear yet. Keep it a secret, just a little more." The voice whispered before disappearing like a ghost.

"Akari-san! Are you okay?" Nagisa's voice came up behind me.


"Who was that?" He asked.

Shiro. "I don't know but she's in cahoots with that woman." She spat in disgust. If I weren't spying for Kiku-san, I wouldn't make contact with that bitch. Akari gritted her teeth as she remembered her words.

'Make a mistake and your little friend will lose her pretty head.'

Akari sent a hateful glare towards the fake Shiro before pushing herself up. "Let's hurry and get this over with."

Nagisa nodded.


The girl clad in black sat in a nearby tree and watched as they followed that woman. A small smile graced her face.

"Now, how will you guys handle the coming situation?"


Shiro hummed as she skipped down the hill, twirling around as she go. A whizz of air passed by her ear as she tilted her head side to side. An arrow lodges itself on the tree in front.

"Now, now. Someone wants me dead so quickly don't they?" She turns to see the students glaring at her. "Why are you attacking me?"

"You didn't answer our question earlier." Terasaka said.

"And so?" She replied.

"We don't plan on calling you by our friend's name, you imposter." Kayano replied.

"Alright, alright." She put her hands up in surrender. "Call me...hm... Kuro."

Akari's eye twitches, glaring at Kuro. Kuro smiled and laughed as she walked away. "Better hurry before it's too late." She provoked and began to run. Akari raised a hand and pointed towards Kuro.

"Chase her!" She shouted as she ran after the blur of white.

"Yes!" They said in unison and began the wild goose chase.


A sigh escapes the yellow octopus as he drew circles on the ground. "I can't believe my own students left me behind." He sniffed.

Knock knock.

Korosensei stood up and opened the door of his classroom. His eyes land on a bundle of two bundles of red hair.

"It has been quite a while, Korosensei-san." One of them spoke.

"Yes, it has." The grin on his face remained but his eyes flashed with confusion. "What brings you here, Shiro's parents?"

Siryuu smirked. Kiku smiled. "Let's talk inside, shall we?"


This is obviously very lateeeee!

As a writer, when you have a stroke of imagination and get an idea for a new story. You have to write it and then, your stroke of genius interrupts your supposed publish schedule and you completely forget to publish it.

Yea, that happened. But hey, exam week. School's almost over. Let's hope I won't get too caught up in watching anime / reading books to update!


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