31st Period - Zombieeee!!!

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Kurt ran forward, glaive in hand as she swung the sharp weapon towards the group. Almost instinctively the five jumped back from their current position and made a break towards the trees.

"Running with your tails between your legs already?" Kuro taunted. "I haven't even had my share of fun!" She runs after them, her sharp gaze sent shivers down the spines of the students who were fleeing.

By no means were the students slow, they ran with renewed vigour despite the treacherous chase that had transpired earlier. Knowing that their lives were being threatened, their bodies sent a massive adrenaline rush throughout their tired bodies. They knew it wouldn't last long but they had nothing else to rely on.

"Don't stray from the group, it'll be much more dangerous to split up knowing that we can't win against that fake single-handedly."

Though I could probably take her on by myself, Akari's gaze lands on the four following behind her, it's impossible with these guys. They'll find out, without a doubt, especially this group of students who are too sharp for their own good.

Her feet didn't stop, she continued to run speedily down the same path they took as they were pursuing the same person who were after them at this moment.

"We can't keep running, we have to fight back." Nagisa suggested, knowing full well his capabilities were reaching its limit.

"I agree, the more we run, the more we'll tire ourselves out. Then, we won't even have the strength to run anymore—much less strike back." Itona quipped in.

"This is so frustrating!" Kayano complained. Karma was the first to stop in his tracks and turn his body towards the incoming assailant.

"As they say, offense is the best defence." He said with a smirk. He kicked the ground with a loud thud, propelling himself forward to meet Kuro's blade with his own. Akari sighed loudly before following his example and began her own flurry of attacks towards her enemy.

Despite the two teaming up, not even one of their attacks landed and was easily blocked off by Kuro, who's smile only grew wider.

"Is this really all the best you guys can do?" Kuro mockingly laughed at their poor attempts. "I can't believe this! You're the people that idiot befriended, I never expected you all the be this weak!"

"Damn!" Karma growled, his knife hitting the glaive's blade with a resounding clang. While Akari lifted her leg to land a kick only to be blocked by Kuro's own leg.


As if it was a planned signal, Itona moved forward, throwing knives as towards Kuro as he did. Kuro pushes Karma back with a swift swing of her glaive causing the latter to fall skid on the grassy terrain. Kuro spin her weapon, easily blocking off the incoming assault. Akari had not stopped her relentless attack and was finally able to land a kick on Kuro's side. The former didn't stop and sent a punch towards the latter's neck, only to be stopped by the staff of Kuro's glaive.

"Impertinent brats." Kuro grumbled under her breath.


High on the tree tops, a lone figure stood, quietly watching the battle below.


One word.

That was all it took as multiple figures shot of from behind the figure, the cloaked figures headed straight into the fray.


"Mmm?" Peering out a small peephole to watch what had caused the sudden switch within the fight that had started as a game of chase to a 5-on-1 duel. The atmosphere had tipped to the students favour as cloaked figures appeared one by one, aiding the tired five.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2019 ⏰

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