27th Period - Up on the Hill

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"Split it up into groups!" Akari shouted over the mic, piercing everyone's ears with her loud announcer-like voice.

"Roger!" Was all the reply she received. Akari examines her surroundings for a moment, she stood there motionless. Knowing that she was far from prying eyes, she turned off her mic but kept the receiver on–to make sure her classmates were doing things accordingly. With a small 'whoosh', she disappeared from the clearing.


"Found one!"

"Me too!"

"Oh woah, they have name tags!"

"You notice that now?!"

The barrage of voices echoed in the darkness, a small sigh could be heard in the silence. The slow drips of water hitting the ground, the sound of footsteps echoed as the silhouette took one step after another. The figure slowly strolled to a clearing where just a small crack of light peeked in, the personage still standing in the shadows.

In the clearing a person was crouched on the ground with one knee on the dirt, their head bowed and her eyes trained to the rocky floor. "Well?" The silhouette spoke, a heavy accent accompanying her voice.

"They are nearly finished." The person on the floor answered. The other hummed in response.

"Itona, Nagisa. On the count of three, we'll jump out and catch it." A familiar voice was emitted from the receiver on the kneeling persons' ear.

"A pincer attack? How stylish." A bored voice said.

"It's very effective. Considering chickens panic quickly and don't make wise decisions." Another voice cuts in.

"Just get into position!" Karma bellowed. Two 'okays' answered and the rustle of bushes soon came after. "One, two—"

"Is it on three or after—" One of the voices asked but was immediately cut off.

"ON THREE!" A few incoherent mumbles followed afterwards. "Alright, one more time! One, two...three!" The bushes rustled once more and the sharp shriek of the captured chicken immediately came. The chicken continued to make a racket voicing out its complaints and attacking them with its sharp beak.

"Hey—! Ow! Stop! Why the hell am I the only one getting attacked?!" Itona's voice complained as a series of laughter came from Karma and Nagisa's end. A chuckle came from the standing silhouette. Akari looked up and smiled.

"It seems like they've finished."

Akari nods as she heard the cheers of her classmates.

"Return before they notice something amiss." The silhouette turned to their heels and with a slight nod, they disappeared leaving with the words, "I'll be waiting at the top of the hill."

A few seconds later, Akari was alone. A sigh escapes her lips. "This is so troublesome." She said in complaint but no one was there to hear.


"Where's Akari?"

"Over here!" Akari comes running in from behind the rounded group of teens. "All done?"

"Yea," Karma replied. "What took you so long to get here?"

"I was adventuring inside the depths of a dragon's mouth." She replied sarcastically.

"In other words, you were slacking off?" Akari's look of disbelief came over her, her mouth open wide in shock. She place a hand over her chest.

"You dare accuse me of lying? How crude!" She said in response as a small smirk took over her opened mouth. Karma sighed.

"No point in arguing anymore, let's get going!"

"Okay!" They all responded in unison. They knocked on Old Mac's door. The wooden door creaked open and there stood Old Mac, all smiles.

"We've finished!" Nagisa reported.

"Good job, young lads!" He said with a laugh. "Thank you!" He turned around and went back inside, returning a few seconds later with pies in his hands.

"This is my specialty pies! There are different flavours," he winks. "Enjoy!"


"Ahhh! That was goood!" Terasaka rubbed his filled stomach as he laid down on the grass.

"Get up," Akari shouted. "Our next destination is up on that hill!" She points towards the forest they were in before. "Let's work off all those calories we just gained and trek up!" She urged.

Karma jumped up and spoke up as well. "Alright, let's go!"


Sorry, this is way short and wayyyyyy late! I'll get another chapter done by Monday, which is a holiday for me (YAY!)

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