13th Period - Sparring

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There hasn't been much action happening, so I'll do some in this chapter~

I'm just going to say, they are going to use the Korosensei blades and pellets, just so, you know, no blood?


Third Person POV

The students quietly conversed as they munched down on the sandwiches especially made for them, due to their request of hunger. The two older male conversed in the background, seemingly arguing but the redhead remained cool with a large smile plastered on his face.

"I didn't expect you to bring them so soon!" The white-haired male complained.

"Since we are here already, why not just tell Itona about her?" Horibe shook his head.

"I haven't seen him in years, you can't expect me to have a normal conversation with him. I barely survived a punch in the gut!" Siryuu chuckles at this.

"You're quite weak despite your muscles." He points out.

"That's the least of our problems here!"

Shiro stands up, clapping her hands C catching the attention of both the adults and the kids.

"You guys done eating?" The kids nod. "Since we got nothing better to do, let's spar."

"Spar?" Akane's eyes shone excitedly.

"We'll starts off with one-on-one matches. You just have to knock your opponents to the ground and the match is over. " Shiro explained. "There will be a time limit, 10 minutes - oh and I'll stop a match if I deem it necessary, mostly if blood is about to be spilled- and the first match will be,"

"Karma against Akari." Karma clicks his tongue, seemingly unsatisfied about his partner. Akane pouts, she had hoped to be partnered with Nagisa.

"After that, it'll be,"

"Yuuma against Itona." Now, this was an interesting pair. Shiro nods to herself as she tied her hair back in a high ponytail.

"And lastly, Nagisa against I." She finishes, eyeing the blue-haired male, who looked slightly terrified. The six students walked out the small home and into the grassy fields. Karma and Akari, distancing themselves from the rest of the group, preparing themselves for a hell of a battle.

Akari stretched out her body while Karma stood there, hands in his pockets.

He is totally underestimating me, the girl thought, smirking. The redhead lazily glared at the girl, who was examining the silver gun in her hands. The two adults eyes the girl carefully. Why had this girl been carrying a gun with her, was what occupied the older Horibe's thoughts.

"Is that real?" Karma shouts from across the field.

"Nah, I just customized it. The plain ol' black colour wasn't sitting well with me." She shouts back. By this time, Shiro was standing in between them, looking at both of them while the two gave her a slight nod. Shiro claps her hands loudly, strolling back to where it was safe.


As soon as the signal had gone off, Akari dove to hid herself in the tall grass, presumably crawling to get around the male. Karma clicks his tongue in annoyance. He looks around hoping to see signs of rustling.

But no, Akari was better than that. She knew she had an advantage against the Karma, knowing she had more real life experience than this male even if he was somewhat a former delinquent.

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